place Wednesday at Sinsinawa.-*i seat of the mother convent of the Dorrinican order. Services wère also *held at St. . Robert's convent, Mil- waukcee, on. Monday morning. Surviving, are one brother,. D. Leary. 430 Tenth, street, Wilmette, and three sisters, Mrs. Nellie $. *Rohe, Chicago,, Mrs. Elizabeth Bi- lapnder, Maywood, and Mrs. Robert MUcElligott, Chicago. Sister Jeannette was a.teacher in St. Robert's school.- giving spécial irstructiofl to classes Wn the seventh. and,' eighth grades. LLEWELLYN JAMES Mrs. Llewellyfl E. James*, her son- in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. John P. Harris- and son,' James, 944 Sheridan road, Wilniette, have just returned from St. Louis, Mo., where they were called by the iii- ness of fleweflIi James, whi gui fered a relapse due to comýplications resulting from an operation per. formed in February. The son of Mrs. James of Wil mette, he died at his home Juie 7 President of James & Co., distribu tors for ahl General Electrie appli ances. he was, a member of Notr( Dame chapter, Knights of Colun, urvtivine are his widoW,, Lorèti petition. Among the Nortn Shore residents whose prints were accepted .and hunig ini the salon are: E. L. Brashears, 484 Cedar street, Win- nietka;- C. J. Dyer, 37à Woodland road, Ravinia; H. D. Isenberg, 1039 Ash street, Wînnetka; L. P. Jerrardj, 522 Wiilow street, Winnetki: E. V. Kesinger. '75 M arion avenue, -Highland Park;, Howar V. O'Brien, 790 Bryant avenue, Winneta<. Sam Stevens, 2049 Hawthorne lan., I Evanston; H. E. Brandell, 703 Sherman avenue,. Evanston; Edwin Stanley. 999 Sheridan road, Lake Forest; Dudley >W. Faust, 1518 Davis- street. Evanston; 'Frank S. Coffin, 463 Washington aVenue, Glen- coe;.Munroe Cole, 196 Church road, Win-. netka; Robert Gustavson, ý2444 Marcy avenue, Evanston; George .F. Haneman, -561 XKenlWorth avenue, Kenilworth -,Rob- ert E. Hughes, 2220*Jenks street, Evans- ton. Protest 0Omission f- tvJ U- kL 2Ruu±rJ 1. j- te Mrs. Rosella- H. Maughmer, 65, of Savannah, Mo., died Sunday, June 4, in the home o!f her daughter, Mrs., C. R. Miller, 1133 Cherry street, Wmnnetka, where she had been a guest)for three weeks. Surviving, besides Mrs. Miller, is one son, Frederick. H. Maughmer, of Savannah, Mo. Her husbànd died .i 1938. The remains were taken to the Exhibit at Fair'-George Shaw Cook Mother Church, The First Church uc Protest to the Golden Gate Inter- Christ, Scientist, in Boston, Mass national exposition in San FranciscoairhPoresRpre against its "mnysterious, unexplained1 CucPrgesRpre action" in banning a scientific birth Various reports heard during' ti control exhibit !rom the Fair afternoon cited specific instanceso grounds, has been registered by Mrs. spiritual enlightenmeflt. actiVely a Malcoîlm Ross Byron, o! Lake Forest, work among the nations today. Ori chsirman of the Evanston and North revealed that Europe, seething cer it witiiout stating any reasons, Mvrs, 1 iir progress was rLVortectUm *n Byron said.' North merica where 25 new "The exhibit, on whieh 'the Feder- branch or ga ni za ti o ns were1 ation had already expended $1,022,'l îaunchèid. Africa' and Australia, itN reads 'a statement, -was a presenta- was stated, have formed one new or-t tion of an educational program pre- ganization each, while 32 societiesE pared in a manner suitable for dis- were !ound raising their statue to play to the genéral public, includýing that of churches durig the aset 12 children. It would have consisted o! months. In 'educational fields,. nine aseries o! charts similar to charts new university organizatio1s becaflie nn an l bith <cntrol ecgizdunitso teÇhr istian Sl Winnersiwill be meombers oth se éfirst freshman class to enroil. The scholarships'.will be off ered froma" part of t he $6;735,000 fund givçIn to the university by the Walter p. Murphy Foundation ta establish the. institute. To house th e new unit, the university ,will. erect a $4,920,00W building with classrooms, offices, draffing i'ooms, and hundreds ýof ope- cialized laboratories. The misitute building will be completed by the fail O! 1941. Durig the academic year 1939-40 the. institute wil l operate like the other Échools of the university on a semester echedule. Beginninge i the fa» 1o! 1940 a quarter system will be inaugurated. Institute students will 'spend their first and fitth years in acadernic wok, fltld the secondv- third, and fourth years unider the co- operative system, dividing their >time between classes and industry. The institute wrnl offer courses leading to degrees in chemical, civil, lemechanical, and electrical engineer- of ing. Details concernmng the institute at program anid scholarship application. ,eblanks may be obtained by writig [Iministration building, Evanstcon. Goetz wili procluce for Raymond Massey, star o! the Broad- way production, aiea will be seen i the leading raie o! the screen ' ver- sion AS STORLEKEEPER Edward Eflis, 'whose portrayal in "A Man tn Remember" won wide 6 of Los Angeles, aI tu e. church.