Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 15 Jun 1939, p. 66

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FOR SALE- SMALL COTTAGE. MOST beautiful spot, Eagle River Neaift. Ruxining Water, complete equipment and bath, $3.000. By owner, Address B1951 Box 60, Wilmette, Iff. 153LTN6ltp Homre on Beautiful Lake Lge Dutch colonial,. 10 ACRES. A REAL INVESTMENT. Owner. Box 1075.ý Elk Rapids.: Michigan 153LTN3-7tp 166, FOR' RENT-SBUMMER COTTAGECS. NEW, WELL FURNISHED COTTAGE, three -bedrooms, near, Charlevoix, Michigan on Eik Lake.. $400 season. $175 July, $225= Aug. Unusually fine meals comùpuisory,, $17.50 weekly. Cal Mrs.: Ross, 761 ill, Glen Ellyn, 111. 156LTN4-3tp ROOMY MAINE COTTAGE MODERN- ly equipped; located on Cisco Bay- near Bath. Facilitis iclude gas stove, refrig.; enclosed & sereened in porch overloolçing wat.er, reae, ga. Ac-, commodates 8 conifortably. Rentai very reas. Winnetka 1035. 156LTN~6-Itp NEW LOG CADINS. WIS. NORTHI Woods - Beau. lake, 'gd. roads, 2 bedrmns.. elec. lights, beach. shower bath, everything furnished includ. boat, $12.50 wk. Meals if wanted. H. Lampe, WJnter, Wis. 156LTN6-ltp SUMMER HOME NEAR LAKESIDE, Mich. Large grounds. Modern conv., showers; grand piano. 4 blks. to beach. Aî'ail. June & July. Wlmette 2438. 1S6LTN5-2te FOR RENT - THE MOST BEAITFUL, 's. RESORT, PRQErTy . WISCONSIN ON LAKE GENEVA Estate. late Walter G. Melnto.h, 110 féet. laIze frntaLl. 2- cëshau ulv 4LAWN TABLES--CLOSEOUT 42 nch diameter. Ail steel. $12 value. $2.50 each. PAVLIK BROS. KENIL- WORTH 5672. 171LTN5-4tp KERMANqSHAW ORIENTAL RUG, 11x17. like new. Knabe upright piano equal, in ail respects, to new. Cali Winnetka 200.: 17lL6-ltp FUJRNITURE,, DAVENPORT, SPINET desk. Simall chairs, end table. Ma, hogany buffet. Wilmette 4409. 171LTN61ltp W A LN UT VNTCHIFFONIER, double bed, box siprings, mnahogany deskand mirror. Pillows. WIL. 14M5 171LTN6ltp> WALNUT, DIN-ING ROOM SET INCLUD- ing drop leaf table, 6 Windsor chairs, sideboard. Wilmette 3140. 171LTN6-ltp GREEN METAL PORCH FURNITURE, 2 chairs, glider and table. Good conm dition. Reasonable. Glencoe 147. 171LTN6-ltc LIVING IRM. CHAIRS, LGE. ANDSn ruÙgs, dining r7m. and bedriT.' sèts, kit- chen stove and table, office desk. and irons. Miscel. articles, 1416 Gregory, Wîi. 171LTN6-ltp 172 WTD. TO BUY-HSHLD. GOODS M. BERG will pay top prices for your used furni- ture, bric-a-brac, household articles, books and men's clothing. Winetka 1522. 172LTN5-4tp 17à FOR SALE-MISCELLANEOUS wjtji uUsL vuver Uand'4 cas dition. Original' cost $85.V $20 cash. May be seen by ap) VILLAGE TRADING POST. 372 HAZEL ave. Glencoe, Ill. Studio couch, $6.50, twin stroiler, double bed. chairs, dreà- sers, summer formais, set of drums. 173LTN6-ltp Holland Furnace 50-H Good 'condition. Cheap. Caîl Wnnetka 43. completed 1115 sopflomore yiear ai New Trier.. Steve Walker, son of Mr. and. Mrs. Stephen P. Walker, 412 Berkeley ave- nhue,.Winnetka, bas been selected'by Winnetka . Post, Nýo. 10i, f the Ameni- can! Legion 5to represent 'them at Boy's State.. Steve will be. a senior inNew Trier next year. Sponsored by Wilmette Pest The Wilmiette Post of. the,;Ameri- can' Legi on -wiil sponsor the'trip of Bob Hein zen, son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph H. Heinzen, 1518 ýLake, ave-, nue, 'Wilmette., Bob has aiso just' completed his junior year at New, Trier. the fourth North Shore boy Who will attend Boys' State, is Ralph Bendel, son of Mr. and Mrs. Gustav Bendel, 1231 Tower road, Winnetka, -ww il hosent ki the Newv Trier. High school Tri-Ship club, an organi- zation of ail the boys in New Trie,. Ralph will be a senior at the high sehool next year. These boys will talk before their respective organi- z ations uponi their return, descnibing their experiences. Wil Reside at Fair The 1600 boys, 200 'more than last summer, will be accommnodated in new 4-H g on thel pringfield. IThey wiil then launeh into a week- of governmental and political orga- NOTICE 0F PUBLIC BEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN byt ýoard of Education Of Sehool Disti o. 38 in the County Of Cook, State [lini., t hat À *+,m..,vp k.,A,, 'A Governor Henry Horner antd many Illinois officiais will visit the boys and attend the inauguration of théir governor. Boys' State senators and representatives Will visit the real state senate and lower house. HOLLYWOOD, California-Noma Shearer giVing, over. her1 Santa Mon- ica home for Bermuda location scenes for "The Women." Hed'y Lamarr ordering a charm bracelet with Oriental symbols. to typify her> role in. "Lady of the, Tropies."ý Mickey Rooney adding to his mu.- sical knowledge by learning to play a trumpet and a saxophone for his new role in, "Babes in Arms." 1udy Garland's mail doubling f rom new fans won during her personal appearance tour in New York. )Freddy Bartholoniew worrying over theý fact: that he may bhave to dye hishair blond for a new picture role. RýosaIigd Russeli busy attempting to put on the weight -she lost doing strenuous setting up exercises for a film role. Jean Cafr ntraA. '.r:'n lx xo n> -cureen momher, rnyllis rovah., Nelson Eddy recording songs for his new film, "Balalaika," 'IIona Massey popularizing the suede baby bonnet fashion. Greta Garbo bringing a thermos kit and luncheo n to the studio on days when she is required to report for fittings. Bobs Watson thrilied, over the gold. engraved watch presented to him by Lionel Barrymore at the close of Weiler spending tîxne the studio learning to be Lswimimer and diver. 174LTN6ltp 1 1

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