Pp""FRANK HUTCHINS'PRESENS CARLOS MOLINA, AND) 14USCONTINÏNTrAL:ORtCHESTRtA ýF.afuring Lucie Garcia, vocalisf also TONY CABOT and his wortd's bigg.st litft. orchesfra DINNERS FR011 $125 No Coveil or Mlinimusm Charge a leading. role in the Mummers IThe atre Workshop, production of f"Street Scene," opening at he The Valencia theater Evanston, will celebrate its sixth animal "Re- vival Mo-#.ie Week" starting this Sun- day. The attractions which wilI be pre- sented represent the consensus of a vote by, Valencia patrons., The programn for, the week is as follows: S'unda y and Monday, "Merrily -We Live," with Constance Bennett and Brian Ahere, plus "The Count of Monte Cristo," starring Robert Do- nat. Tuesday, and Wednesday attrac- ti ons will be Luise, Rainer in, "The Good Earth," plus Ieene Dunne and Robert.Taylor in "Ma gnif icent Ob*- session." Thursday and Fridaybring,*"The Great Waltz" plus "Night Must' Fail," with Robert Montgomery. For the final program on Satur- day there wil. be "Boys Town," starring Spencer Tracy, who won the Acad.niy Award this .year fo his performance ini this picture, plus "Anthony Adverse," starring Fred- eric March. llth Street Theatre June 17. GRARACTER ACTOR Spencer Charters, popular charac- The famous Pulitzer prize play is ter actor, has been signed for a rôle. in "Memory of Love," current star- being staged by Mummers director, ring vehicle for Carole Lombard, Sherman Marks. The Murmners Cary Grant and K»' Francis. Char- T'heatre Workshop is the experi- ters will- join a- strong- supporting How Ope. NEWLY DECOItATED DENNY DUGOLL AND NUS CASINO BOYS" Cholce LIquÔvs i Populor Prices Announcemenfs Daily over Station WCFI. This presentation of the famed. "slice of life- classic will be its flrst downtown revival in recent years. Applications for the summer ses- sion of the Mummers Theatre Work- ing produc directed b3 Radio el fvi * j *O I 1JCe ed by George Haight and r John Cromwell for RKO Comfwotbly Air CondItiI.m EENTEiR VIç McgI..--Tm Brown, YEÂRAROUND COMNTÉRy GA RDEN NOW OPËN CONTINUOUS Mt*l Soc . $1 .75 P-