I. SHORTRIDGEI MASON .CONTACO I Stonework.a Speialty I 421:Rieàmond Rd. Keail. 2735 I1 John Huesa, (leit) assistant manager of Marshall Field's:'Evans- ton Store, is here seen preaenting awards to (left to. right) Iris Bach- mann, Margaret Mtnson, Jean Wilson and Alexis Tellis, four New* Trier Hifgh achool atudents wiho were arnarded prizes in the advertising -contest sponsorecl by the companii. Bernie Photo Alexis Tellis won first prize for the best piece of copy submitted; Jean~ Wilson, second. Iris'Bachmann won first prize for the best artwork and Margaret Munson, second. The first prize in eachi division was a $10 merchandise certificate and the sec- ond, a $5 merchandise certificate. Each week since March 3, the competing students have submitted ad-Vertising copy, artwork or photo- graphs on merchandise selected 1by the:store. The best work for eacji Jweek, as selectead yIVMarshal iela's a dvertîing bureau, has been pinit- ed ini the high school paper, "The New Trier News."L The prizes have been awarded to those students whose work in eaeh division has been judged the best among the weekly winners. The judges of the contest were: Wallace I. Brooks of the Chicago Tribune, Robert B. Thompson of Uunkle-Thompson-Kobats, and G. R. Schaeffer, advertising manager of Marshall Field and company. Prizes for photography have been awarded to the owner of the photo- graph that was printed in each issue. Weekly winners have been: William Peterson, Bob Cordts, Mac Barrett, Jack Lawson, and Raymond Bloom. Raymond Bloom having won twice. The winning ads are being dis- played this week on the first floor of Marshall Field's E'vanston store. Look Out,-Bi tion. Included ini the host of young aviators will -be practically ail the participants ï.n the '19e38 maiden classic which thrilled more than . 30,00Q spectators. AlIthe girl fliers who have filed, ,ominations for, the coming show are members, of the famnous "99r" or- ganization and regarded. as among the nation's most accom plished a 1m-: ateur pilots. The competition, whicýh'include-s precision. flying, spot landing tests, bomb dropping trials and closed course racing, will be enhanced -by, a variety of special stunts and dem- onstrations by expert fliers fromi leadmng airplane factories. It is plan- ned as a sporting event, for ama- teurs, strictly., Any pilot who Jei regis.tred. with the Çivil Aeronau- tics Authority and holds a rating issued by this office, is eligible to compete. All pilots must operate stock mod- el light planes of 75 H.P. or less. There will be two and possibly three races over a one mile course, around pylons. Women operating ships of 50 H.P. will meet in a special speed test. 140 MohLa Wilson Photos. Here are some Neb Trier Iligh scho Frosh-Soph baseball stars of the spring season. They aTe: tlpper left, Howard Fager; let center,. Jim Schtoeitert; lower l5ft,, Paul Kelly,, Ed Benson, and BillHélt; rïght, top to botto.m, Dicij'uUeri Grant Dean, and .Dick Fariner. SALK WARD & SALW ^R A R FMST D AL K FR ACES MORTCACES H, 'A L 0,A4 N S 1.