r~.. *~, .. i i~ ~ ..À ~ n ns I..&a;ta Ratpn Wetnsocic <eirj >VLI. JohnA'fln.Taftand ineir young and Mareus Wallace Stodciard son, Jack, will leave for the East both of Wilmette, toil graduate in their trailer in timne. to drop fromn thelUniversity of Michigan Jack's brother, Hob, at Culver, Ind., tthe:95th arêrual, commence- hr o ilatn le Culve ment exercises Saturday, June 17. Military academy summer school. The Taàfts and Jack will thencon- Mr..We instock will receive the A.B. tinue eastward, stopping at the New degree. He is à unemrber of Phi, Epsi- York Pair, visiting i Boston, Proý- Ion Pi fraternity. vincetown,: and--traveling through Mr.. Stoddard wilI receive the B.S.. the ýstate of Maine. degree in. mechanical. engineering. ýIe is a mnernber of Phi Garm a Delta fraternity anid.has. been a Alumnae, of Southern' memhber of, the Engineering council at the- university. 1 SemWinairy Entertai Chicago alumnae of Southern Sem- PurueDinom s ary and Junior college of Buena r Vista, Va., gave their annual lunch- For New Trier Men Amnong the gradùatés at Purdue university to receive diplomas at the commencement program, early this week, were the following from New Trier towns: John A. Chapin, 236 L a urel1 avenue, Wilmette; John R. Hopkins, Hubbard Woods; Gordon W. Mat- thews, 182 Maple Hill road, Glen- coe; . Robert C. Meleney, Jr., 1097 Oak street. Wihnetka; ail ini me- eon àt the Palmer House June10 Among the guests entertained by' the alnina. wereth.e fol1auing frirnmthe, For a. successful and- enjoyable holiday trip.- -con suit wtih The North Shore, Travel Service when mnaking your plans. Take advantage of the convenience of centraliz ed information about ail types of 'vacations at home and abroad;* Talk to h h know'beceuse they have been there. - .- We are officiai representatives' for ail flnes -and accommodations. ItineranIres., and reser-' ~~ ~ vations arranged for yu wtou hrge. tephoiis: WiiIm.tte 500&;id Genef55 S H O R E DNA M. ýTRUE. Manager TRAVEL -SERVICE' ,m "a ý" £» MSf &laàb ,North Shore: Roberta Ely, Glen- ~ IUi7~~ iD Gets Rochester Diploma When the University of Roches- ter (N. Y.) hoids its commence- ment jexercises Monday, -June 19. T'homas J. Hildebrandt, 92 Robsar.t1 road, Kenilworth, will be aniong 450, students. to receive diplomas. His major field of study is çconomics. Hildeba~hsndt entered the ilniversity1 Accessible only by water, the na- tural si mplicity of the Lac La Croix outpost fishing camp makes it ,an ideal spot for boys of high school age to be taught under experienced supervision the. elements. of wood- craft and of 111e, away from. the L'WWMlvwlvw uv7qivuvw"w výwlqwww .11 ri, MIL 1 L