M. C. MUTEL AUD LUTYAIjEU Double Your vacation enjoymenit at tihe .Anderson Hoteil overlooking ,beautiful Green Bay and Peninsula St. Park. Ail sports and social activities. Unexce11ed home aooking and accommodations - iman eprÎn7rbods -prvae or àdjoning baths-mrod.rate rates. Pin. scented air relieves hay lever. Write for booklet. Chicag.o fiko: 333 a. Michigan Ave., CEltral 2828 it DY Emba M. Trime Travel Phitor With schools anid coileges closing and the:discussion of vaction plans the principal topic, of conversation everywherei the. sunimer "Hliday Seàson" ýseemns to be formaàlly open- ed, and in the weeks ahead many of us, Wil be embark ing o n expeditions Whjch will take us to..ail partsof Our own country and of the world. For the Arnerican p eo p. 1 è are deèfinitelyi travel-minded, and -the de- sire to go pflaces and see things, whether an acquired, characterjisti-c or breaking out of the "gypsy" deep in ail of. us, .has becomne -inherent ànd irresistible. %So much .in our every day'lives, the radio, movies, books, articles in magazines and newspapers tend to stimulate this desire, and to make even provincial corners of our country world-con- SCious. Pa" 10 iGe Ot of Buti We have become aware that the value of travel is flot confined to the pleasures, and diversions experi- enced at the time but lies rather in the physical a nd mental benefits that resuit. It is now considered ef- ficient as well as enjoyable to take wisely chosen holidays as often as possible, for we have found that it pays to get out of the ruts of our daily routine and gain new Jnspira.ý mnates the possibility. of getting awaX and mneans that it must be spent at 9 home. Attractive holidays can be shad with enly a Week-end: at one' s f Travel Information Miss Edna M. True, travel cdi- tor of this news. magazine, i3s qualiflèeibys long expérience andi direct contacts, to provide au- thentic travel, information for North, Shore residents. Inqut»rtes directed to ust will be given, prompt.-and expert attention at no obligation. By avocation and vocaàtion Miss True is à world: traveler. Since 1926, s"he has conducted the North Shore Travel Bureau, &iate Rank building, Evanston, aind in that capatty serves hun- dreds of North Shore résidents. Her information -is flrst hand and' based upon actual visits to the countries and places which she stands ready to recommend to prospective travelers and va- cationers. disposai, but they need thought and careful selection. At the request of somne of our readers we will discuss in the next NATIONAL PARK ARKANI -lu ue... squaierecQnor careý lessly chosen, for neyer waÉ tiiere a ln T re-V e greater array ofpossibilities, a;nd Pa h(,- ce with just a little forethought and Visit on Coast planning, one is sure tofind a va- cation that is perfectly suited to his M.adMs ud os 2 wishes and to his specific budget M.adMs ud os 2 o! îrxe nd iony.Cummings avenue, Keriilworth, -are leaving Thursday night of this week Modern Facilities Aid by train to spend thrce weeks on The automobile, airplane, improv- the west coast. They will go first ed railway facilities, motor coaches, to Del Monte, Calif.. then to San - "g F 8 aVA o CilUU4ù. ilasoflable, rate. IOn Lac du Flambeiaus famous Chain of lake. Crawling 'Stone lake afforda bin. of WiscoInsRin&finest fighiing. Insurroundings primitive and untouchud. Psir Complt. Vacaion Sadefac«ioy4 Wrfte.for poler ROHmECHEISEISOTet rwIl.gM...Lon. Lot dePlomb..,Wl..