.Wedding WiII, Be Solemnizeci' Saturday 1Miss Evelyn Marie French,. daugh- 'ter of 'Mr. and. Mrs. Guy W. French of Morton Gxrove,, and James H. Krafthefer, son of Mr. and Mrs., James. M. Krafthefer, of 901 Oak- wôoodavenue, .Wilmette, whôse mwed- ding takes place Sgturday, WMllbe married in. a home ceremnony at the residence of the, bride" s parents, at 7 o'clock. Ater the ceremnony a reception will, be held at the' Eiv- anston Golf club. Miss French will, have two at- tendants,' Miss Dorothy Oison, maid: of h o n o r, and Miss Paula ,June Krafthefer, bridesmaid.. Daàvid K. Krafthefer is, to ýserve as best man, and Warren G. 'French *will usher. Coming from Put of town for the wedding are >~Ir. and Mrs. Jack Esther Howard, Mrs. Edward Gil- mnartin of Fort Wayne, Ind., Mr. and Mrs. Frank Chervenka of Sum- mer, Wash., and Mrs. A. R. Thomp- son and Joan Thompson of San Francisco. Mr. Krathefer and his bride are to live at Lotus Woods, Sprlng -Grove, Ill., where they are building a summrer home. May 25, àt a buf- fet supper and shower given by Mrs. latFriday afternoon in l1owes' Me- r , orial chapel, at 5:30 ô'clock,, to Dr. Cortla nd Ejyer, a mèmber of the romance language department atNorthwestern university and son of Mr. and Mrs' Wesley Eyer of F elton, Dela. Dr. H l"orace G. Smith, president ôf _Garrett Biblical insti- tute, officiated at the ceremony. Miss ýAgnes Lilley of Winnetka was the bride's only attendant, and Wesley Eyer,. Jr., who is 'a grad- uate this.year, from the Northwest- ern'unîversity medical scho.ol, serv- ed as best man. Mr. and Mrs. Eyer -are spending, thei r honeymoon in Indiana but will, return to the North Shore in time for summer sehool. They will live at 616% Foster street, Evanston. On Honeym9oon Ini the Baptist church of Chilli- cothe, Ill., decorated with garden fiowers for the occasion, Miss Wilda MeLaughlin was married to Arthur, Wilford Jones, son of Mr., and Mrs:^ Williami Trevor Jones of Wilmette, Saturday evening,. June 10, at 8:30 The bride wore a gown of ivory satin with, a train, .and fashioned. wvith long leg o'Mutton sîceves, and shirred bodice.. A cluster:of valley -Mies held her long tulle veil in place, ..and Mies of, the valley and white roses were.the flowers she carried. The bride's sister Rosella, her maid of honor, was in pink net cver taffeta, the bridesmaids, Miss .Margueritte Skoon of Sparland, Ill., and Miss Marion Jones, of Wilmette, sister of the bridegroom, wore dresses made like hers, but of blue. Their flowers were alike, pink roses -adbabsbreath Phillip MeIllerney of Chillicothe was best man. Rex Martin and William Christianson of Chicago were the ushers. .Following the service a reception was held -at the home of the bride's parents,. Ur. and Mrs. Oscar Mc- Laughlin. The young couple left afterwards on a wedding trip to Pueblo, Colo., _andi wil ive tempo- Engagement During Party at Skokie At an afternoon bridge 'tea at Sko-, kie Country'club on June: 7, the en- gagement of Miss Zella O'lXara Hen- derson to, Norman Downs Kimbalil was a nnounced. Miss Henderson, daughter of Mr.. and Mrs. Edward'E. flenderso,-n of .Wilmnette, is in this ye.r'sgraduat- üig.class at Northwestern university and Is 'a member.of Alpha Phiso rority. Mr. Kimbàll, son of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur E. Kimbal, of Wilmette, is a Northwestern univers ity man be- longing to, the Lamibda Cihi Alpha fraternity. He is assôciîated with W. A. Alexander and company, insur- ance brokerage firm in Chicago.ý Receiving with Mrs. Henderson, and her daughter, were the Misses Ann and Jane Henderson; Mrs. Zella Xesbit and Miss Marta Nesbit of Los Angeles, Mrs. Henderson's mother and sister; Mrs. Arthur E. Kirnball and her mother, Mrs. Bar- bara Downs;- and Mrs. H o w a r d Storch of Wilmette. Guests at the party were soro1rity sisters of .Miss Henderson, many of whom have been closely associated for the entire four years of college. anci oriJLgroor The bride was also entertained at a misceilaneous shower given, May 15, by the Junior Star club at the home of Lillian Palmgren of Glen- view, and at a personal gift and linen shower, June 6, atthe home of Miss Lois Meldahl of Park Ridge.. May 27, the maid of honor, Doro- thy Olson, was hostess at an ail-day ,nlir for hnth the bride and bride- eat lake, Alice Skoon, wflo all went from hére as did the bridegroom's par- ents, and other Wilmette residents, Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Hopkins, Mrs., Grace M. Skelton, Mrs. William Christianson, Mrs. Rex Martin, Mr. and Mrs. George Ritzo, Mrs. Flor- ence Freund, the Misses Bette and Ernestine Kasper, Walter Craig, Floyd Schutz; Mr. and .Mrs. R. C. Klehm of Niles Center; and Mrs. iaw in Washington, D., C.,, spent last week with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. George T. Iliff or 924 Linden ave- nue, Wilmette. Hfe drove here from Washington, and was accompanied by Clark Munn and Charles Lemon of Glencoe. They came to attend the' wedding of Miss Barbara Munn of Glencoe and Dwight Green, Jr., - of Winnetka. They were. all guests at the bridegroom's dinner Thursday the occasion of fiance en- their wed- ,night on .up's birth- .101 e son of Mr. and Mrs. tein of Austin. giveni arrner y iy ru, motner of Miss J.aVis' flan- bridegroomn's ce. A handkerdiief shower for Miss Davis follo.wed in the afternoon.