And Southerner To Wed in Memphis* A June wedding which will take place out of town, of interest to, North Shore residents, is -the -mar- nrage Of Albert Eastman' Lmnd, 'son of Col. and Mn., Ftederick A. Lind, 1336 Washington avenue, Wilmette, and. Miss.. Jeanne, Rice Johnson: daughter ,of Mnr. and Mn., Ashton, Powell Johnson.of Memphis' Tenn., wbich ýwill -take, place at 5 -o'clock Saturday aternoon, June 24, in the Idlewild Presbyterian church in Memphis. Dr. Thomas; Kay .Young,. pastojr, officiating. Foflowing t he ceremony the, bride's parents will hold: an, informai reception at their home for the brid- ai Party, the immediate familles and out-of-town guests. Mr. Lind h a s been locâted in Mempwhis for the past two years, and, aftue weddiaa -trip to, J!orida and Nassau, he and his bride will make their home ini that city. Miss Helen Llnd, sister of the bridegroom, is to be one of the bridesniaids, and with her mothen, her brother, Fred, Jr., and Miss Margaret Ellen Nielson o! Lake Bluff, wifl leave next Tuesday for Memphis. Mr. Lind will !oflow the membens of bis family a few days later. Others attending the bride will be Miss, Mary Louise Hughes, maid of houer; Nancy Caradine, Nýn Blood- wort*i, and D o r o t h y Scha efer, brideshm.aids. Frederick Lmnd is to be his bnôth- er's best man, and the ushers in- clude four clasmrates and fraternityr brothers of the bridegnoom, Robert Smith o! Evanston, William Nieman of Western Springs, Adyn Schuyler o! Wilmette and Chester Taylor of, The garden of the rector of the Church of the Holy Cornforter, the Rev. Leland H. Danforth, wfl b e open for an afternoon tea and sunday evening _dessert "social" from 4 to 8 o'clock Sunday, June 25. The event is sponsored by 'the Philander Chase guild o1 the church,' and the president, Mrs C. J. Lord of 410 Brier street, Kenilworth, has a supply, of tickets for those who wish to attend. Admission"xniay be paid at the entranc.e of the garden also, t h e, guild announces. 'Young. womnen of the church will assis t the.gUild members, and there- will be mnUsic from the memorial1 singing tower. Mr. Danforth's garden, onie of, the most interesing, on the North Shore, is particularlyvly at this season. Hosts a t Dance Friday For, Graduating CIass Subscription Goal With the opening night o! Ravinia festival. only slightly more than thnee weeks off. anno urcernent has comne from the Chicago offices o! the festival, that Wilmette, is forging napidly toward the goal of two hun- dred sea son coupons, to- be sold in Wilmette. The committee o! 'seven, Wilmette' wom 'en, under the. direction of Mrs. Walter Knupfer, chairman, has been, >making telephone catIs to. local resi- dents for ýthe past three weeks, i an effort to reach ail those -who. are interested in this an nual fe stival.. Carson irieScott Photo- Mrs. Edmond Richer of WiZ- mette is one of the women assist- ing in the sale of coupon books for the annual Ravinia festival Eleven boys Are ententaining the which opens ThursdaY 'night, graduating class of Joseph Sears ue2,adwlcotnefr schoot at a dance at the Kenilworth Jn 9 n ilcniu o club on Friday evening of this week. six weelcs. Preceding the dance Allan Claar of Wimette will be host to -the eleven boys and their partnens at a dûmer panty at Shawnee Country club. The Wilmette Women Voters boys, giving the. dance are Raymofld Wiese, Richard Landoex, David Gub- Nm o mte ed bis, Holland FIAHIavhan, Robent Getschow, Allan Claar, 'William At the last board meeting of the Freetey, Milford Davis, Rolland Hei- Wilmette League of Women Voters ser, Lucius Brigham, and Donald atthe home of the president, Mrs. 4oyce. Henry Brandt, 816 Forest avenue, t'ln " Iyn - aï and plans for the coming year were discussed. It has'also been announced that: theire, will be, no increase in' the pieof tickets for either: of the concerts at which the noted Josef Hoffman will be soloist. These two concerts will be held June 30 and Jtily 1. As in past years, the price of the sea son book is ten dollars for eigl* teen coupons. These coupons may be used as entrance to the park, and als-o for reserved seats in the pa- vilion. They may be purchased from any of the Wilmette commlttee, or may be had at the Wilmette State bank. Members o! the Wilmette com- mTittee are: Mrs. Henry, Brennan, Mrs. Charlotte Comstock, Miss Màr- jorie Day, Mns. Walter Knupfer, Mrs. Chanles Ostrom, Mrs. Edmonid Richer, and Mrs. Maurice Rosen. Reasner-Kinne Troth 15 Announced afi Ta 40 ç