Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 15 Jun 1939, p. 37

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16 and ted at a cost of $857,000 with a grant of $345j000 from the Public Works Administration and the Ire- mainder coming from a,,bond sue byteNiles township voters. The Iadcping entailed *an outlay of $243,118 of which- $200,118, was fur- nished by the, Works ý Progre Ad- Mninistratiofl. Trhe school a three-story L-shaped structure dîvided into three units- academic, ass embly a n d gy'mna- sium-is modernistic in design and fiihdin brick and Indiana lime- stone. It will accomodate 1,200 stu- dents. The schaol is bounded by: ufodStreet, Niles and Lincoln avenues.and Skokie road. Twýo-way P. A. System One of the newest features of the building isa two-way public address system, fr.om the school offices to the rooms. Teachers can be called and' are able to converse directly with the office. Dismissal signais aire eliminated anC~ classes are end- ed with the public address system. The building was designed by Ry- er, Danley and Davis, school archi- teets of Urbana, Ill., around an eclu- cational plan conceived by T. J. Hig- gins, Chicago school equipment ex- pert, the Nules board of education, of Beverlii. the "swingstress" sensation, is heard with the new Philip Morris musical S ho w, "Breezing Alon g," each Friday, front 7 to 7:30 p.m. (CDST) on W-G-N and the Mùtual Broad- casting System. With Beverlij on the show are Johwnie, Green and his orchestra and Master of Ceremonies Charles O'Con- nor.. Offer Short Sessionis In- addition to this session, the college will offer. two'short sessions- of two'weeks each'for the cônven- ience of students unablet to. spend six weeks in study. The first o!, these will begin on June 26, and the sec- ond on July 10., Studenits'electing to study during, one of the'short ses-. sions will concentrate on, just one college. couirse, Miss Baker said. Teachers, :school, principals and supervisiors, as well as undergrad-. uates, from anI sections of the coun- try aàre expected. to register. at the N;ational. College of Education for summer study. Amiong' the guest faculty rnembers for the summner are Dr. Mary Dabney Davis, -spe- ro.entary education inithe Newton- ville publie schools, Newton, Mass.; David Dushkin, head of the Dushldn Sehool o! Music in Winnetka; Ellis Pershing, faculty member of West- ern Reservé university, Cleveland, O.; and Miss Edith Leonard, faculty member of the San Bernardino Teachers' college, San Bernardino, Calif. AnsaiLIan Lecturer .BOUBLE lIGIE AIRWHEEL £<I1Ow atepl in tire perform- ance tIOt outsalrta and out- talues anythng on wheelat 1 ts four plies of Rayotwist cord givo more fatigue resistanco than six ordinary plies. This ,tire absorbe bumpsgo co0mpletely tbat you virtuflY Cleair 21 Acres v"-~ Robert Bruce Harris, noted Chi- The appointment of Dean Fred D, cago landscàpe architect, in design- Fagg, Jr., of the School of Com- ing and planning the grounds estab- merce as vice-president and dean lished the grade of the building on of faculties of Northwestern univer- the axis of Harvard avenue, thus sity was announced Saturday by co-ordinating the building and cam- President Walter Dill Scott. pus as a part of one general scheme. He had to clear 21 acres of In this position Dean Fagg suc- underbrush and trees and provide ceeds Dr. Franklyn- Bliss Snyder, filling and top surface for the swam- who will become president of the '- a. tho Dlot v u1 ,niversity next September. years, will De one of the iecî.urers. at the sumnmer sessions. In Sep- tember, Miss Heinig will return to Melbourne to 'set up Child Wefare Research stations throughout Aus- tralia under the sponsorship of the, government of that country. Attend Graduation, See the DUB.JLE EALAEJ Mwrwheel ,towl The TIRE 0F TOEORIOW ik bere 1 -aYeu onowM it-TODAT A. L. JenskYe z"uu"u . spent a recent week-end at Cottage i Haywardp Wis. I is iaw t university. '1

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