Arthur bÏéÎs- Adair. Suzine Eilen Adams, Richard Henry Aishton, 11, Doris Jeanne Alldredge, Eleanor Viola. Altman, Carol Cedile Andersen, Marcia Jeanne Aniderson,, Richard- Marahalt Anidrewis. William 'Garfield-.AndreWs. -ý Bett*jen Harding Arcus, Nancy Ana' Arma, Ma:rlon Denise Armstrong, Crawýý mo d s ki al , B ty A i cÇe Baker,, 'ori a attBke, acuelneRuth Baih h et al n B alm es. John Fitz- 0 atrick Barnett Walter John Baron, Wlliiai Howard, j3artlett, Natalie Anne Bartling LAIlian L. . aumiller, Lucille Marie' Bayles, P4rlam Berry Bazelon, Ernest Arthur Beck, Elizabeth Jane BekrLorraineý Beecher. James Richardson Bèlrnes, Charles H.. Belfield, Leonard R. Bell, Jr.,, Murlel Harriet Bell, Margery Anne Bellows, Jeremy Comstock Beîman, Inga Aurora. Bengston, Edwin Roswel Benson,, Jr., NnyAugusta Bercaw, Marcia Jeanette = &rdt Margaret Joy Best, 'Hary Knox hi r.- C harles Zennings Bvan. Jr. Dorothy Lloyd,. Haekett, Mariy Lal1etha Hagan, Jo>hn Hale, Martlia le, Betty Marjorie Haley, Jane. Hamilton, Betty Jeanne Hanlsee, James Thomas Hanley., Jr., Marvin W. Harms, Taylor Wendover Harris, PaticialRuth Har- shaw, Elizabeth_ Anne Hart, Martha Alicê Illartnxan, Marilyn Elizabeth Hart- Well, Georgia Jacque Hawkins, Donna Jeanne Hayden, Suzanne North Hazelet., Ann Hunter Hearne, )Robert Heath, Margot» Joanne Hledman, Lucille M. Heerens, Martin, Charles Helke, Verna Germaine lienderick, Jeannette Dawn Herbuveaux, Beatrice Ann Hermann, Louise G; Hertlg.-.-1 . Richard Wesley .Hickmran,' III, Helen Marianne Higginbottom..Samuel Logan Hlgginbottom, *Walter Herbert Hilde-. brand, Jr., George Miller Higendorf, Calvin Heywood Hil, Leoniidas Carring- ton Hi. III, Robert Bates Hlnman Howard Reed Hinrichs, Richard Benjan Hiirsch. sen, , ian. v. * rs.on, u., a.fl.... s Pettibonie. Gladys frene Phelpà,. Donald Edward Pick,> William Feyreisen Pickall, Made- leine: Pierce, Nancy Virden, Pierson, Marjorle, Pope,. Midred Violsa Porten-. hauser, Willamn George Porter, Donald Lehm an Powell, John' V. Powell, Jane Pratt, Helen R. H. Pugsley. William Jackson Ramser, Adele Naomi Rasmessen, Robert Marcus Raymer, Margaret Marinda Raymond, Jane Records, George Hyde Redding,, Jr., Robert Seymour Reebie, Susan, Reich- mann, Ralph Joseph Reinwald, Harry Jay Renken. Robert Merrili Rennak,. Carl Joseph Renineckar, Lloyd Henry- Repke, David Francia Reynolds, Richard Ô., Reynolds, Sharon Clay, Risk, James Ellsworth, Robertson, Theodore Rockwefl. III, Janet, er Borre, Robert John B erson Boynton, Jr., Ni Eleanore Elizabeth Br àrown, Martha Brown, ai' Brown, Albert B.' )rettà- J'Safety Siants. By.ti.helMinoisi Automobile, ClubJ "It's ealy; We ean make another 100 mziles by mnidnight." Too often, after a ý long day's driving, ' road- weary motorists utter those familiar Ilast Words.." Actually, at: such :a imie, they decide-although operat- ing at less thani 50 per7 cent efficiency -to, bravre driving9 at a time wvhen nearly two-thirds of ýall fatal traffic accidents. occur.. Whey-intentionally multi ply the odds agamnst yourself? Driving. je a hazardous.job under the best conditions - avoid night driving as' much aâs possible.' rt't kid about safetyi-you may e ot Courtesyr counsel: Take your turn' ini traffic. Don't run up in the wrong lane and crowd o t h e r vehicles aside; this is the mark of the "road- hog." Food toT veh r Thought: les meet WheW two- mio-, head-on, each per hour. the ne Illinlois Automo bile -club. rush - better kill time thaui Any fool can break his neck, InfIrmary doors are open wide., Wise men long ago have learned The trick is staying WELL out- side! ~r. IMltzi r, Jr., Harold Molter, Jr., WalterA Nolyneaux, Evan James Barrett, GRADATS- ICeSoB York Where they 'J ~ ~ t Atu ym d1fair. They Will reth rton~ % W.Bow 01dej New FEngland. h cchlef , SJune Don't people! Gerda-Sr ,Frances rnderlanl,, i end the b4y way