Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 15 Jun 1939, p. 31

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lounge for bridge. Grace Will be said by the Rev. Martin D. MeI'Naara, who will be the guest speaker. .Mrs. Frank Kaye, Mrs, Robert Fontham, Mrs. Frank Rothing, and .Mrs. William Otter, popular quartet, will entertain dur- ing luncheon. Mrs. William A. Fuller will show the, technicolor. motion pictures whichb were taken. at. the last Meet- ing at the Abert Talbot homeè. Resume et Work Mrs. Charles Lee, recording sec- retary, will .read. a resumné of al the year's accomplishmenits. The offileers to beInducted are: The Rev. John J. 0O'Mara, spiritual direetOr; ,Sster1 Superior Catherine Celine, honorary president; Mrs. John D. Flynn. presiclent;, Mrs. Guy A. Gladson, vice.president; Mrs. Henry Slamnifl sec- ond viceapresident; bits. John W. Dieh-, hart. trea surer; Mrs. Charles H. Lee, recordiflg secretary; Mrs. Louis Gx. La- Malt. correspolidiflg secretary. Stanidingi Commlttes Mrs. Frank Riedier. program chair- ,mtan; Mrs. -George .P. Axnsinance Mrs. William E. Russel. courtesy.JVLrs. Joseph Stedem., publicity; Mrs. John C. MeManus, civies; Mrs. Thomas H. Caley, Better Films; Mrs. Thomas A. Baldwin, Catholic action; Mrs. D. R. Cunningham, child welfare; Mrs. Frank A. Lederle, auditing; Mrs. Roy Jones, Scouting; Mrs. Frank MawiCke, recreation; Mrs. J. Warçd Hartke, radio; Mrs. Frank E. Thale, parliamentarian. Retiring Officers ýMrs. Howard J. If iekey, president; MrWs. LoDuis J._Beauvais, vice-presidenft; logical exhibits. friday,» June 23 - 3 P. M. -> Guide-lecture tour, "Skeletons of Man and Beast." Ivite, Villa gers To Hear Concert At Park June 28 By courtesir of the. Chicago Fed- eration of musicians, the Wilmette Park District board will. present Lind7 Johnson and his orchestra in a free concert of popular music in Wilmette Amphitheatre, Washing- ton Park, Wednesday evening, June 28, at 8:15. The Lind Johnson orchestra, whichr enjoys an enviable reputatiQn for the excellence of its work, is com- posed of North Shore rrwsicians of exceptional talent. .Guest soloist willi be Allan Hotch- kiss, baritone, who has but recently returned from Golden Gate exposi- tion, where he appeared as vocalist with several largerhestras of na- tional famne. AT HOME. FOR BRIEF STAY Paul Davis, son of Mr. and Mrs. Paul H. Davis, 256 Woodstock ave- nue, Kenilworth, ,who has:*been studying this year at the University of Michigan,' is at home for a short visit and ýJune 20, wiUl be leaving for Grand Raplds,ý Mich., where he has'.taken- a position. . grànd- mother, Mrs. A. B. Milford., whose hotm e is. here,' is leaving Saturday to spend the -summer -with her flaughter, Mrs. S. E. Perkins of Iii- dianapolis, at .Mrs. Perkinis' sumn- mer home at Culver, mnd. commencement, exercises of lHar- yard university where her son, Jack, is graduating. Because of bis- high scholastie average he was excused from the final examinations. Mter July 3, he will be a member of the City News bureau in Chicago and will be with his parents in their new home at.305 Asbury avenue, Winnetka. ARE THE CHILDREN COiNG TO CAMPÉ? Genuine Levis ..225 Shorts of gabardine, hop. saeldng and denim for wonien and girls. Uigh waistline, pleated, helted ...........19 Chidren's Broeches and Jodqhpurs, boys' and_ hospital!tY MrUýs. 'ç&iwad J. Keller, radio. TePrbadetnsa ni Mrs. Flynn announçes that there é ak or xed nmi will be a garden party early in the tation to. the entire North Shore to summer to acquaitit members with be its guests at this entertainment. the new board. It emphasizes that the concert is ____ ___ ____ ___free. HOME FOR SUMMER Miss Imogene Kaufman, 1029 Elm- Miami university at Oxford, 0h1o, wood avenue, returned home Tues- where she has completed her fresh- 4-- x7eto f,'rn rman vear. N ew .Trier nign scfioloUiand 1.0 visit her daughter, Mrs. C. J. Nylund., Last Friday Mns. Nylund had as hber guests from Maywood Miss Gert- rude McClure, Mrs. Anna Gaines, and Miss Laura Arends. 'Tuesdf of last week she also entertained Miss Catherine Thompson of Chi- cago. BAILE' 710 Charch St.. E' Churcis Street. betw..oe Orringlow- 9s

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