ten days, or until Saturday, June 17. At the expiration of the ten-day per- iod depositors will be obliged to ob- tain their checks at the offices of the receiver, W. J. Garvy, at No. 2 S. Genesee street, Waukegan. This 7 per cent disbursement brings the total return of funds to depositors to 69 per cent of the to- tal deposits. Hours for distribution are from 9 A. M. to 4 P. M. Optimist Delegates Go to Convention Delegates from the Optimist Club of Wilmette to the 21st annual con- vention of the international organi- zation, to be held in Richmond, Va., June 25 to 28, inclusive, are Frank Watt, of the Wolff-Watt Hardware- company, -ineoyning president, and- Thomas Klehm, immediate past president, of the Wilmette Station- ery and Gift Shop. Both will make the "trip by automobile, and both will be accompanied by their wives. Mr.. and Mrs. Watt will leave Thursday, and Mr. and Mrs, Klehm on Friday of next week. Both couples will take advantage of the opportunity to -visit Washington, D. C., and the New York World's Fair. They will be gone about two il be h. North Shore Pupils to 4ppear in Recital The piano pupils of Miss Stella McDonald will present a piano re- cital Sunday afternoon, June 18. at the River Park auditorium, 5100 North' Francisco avenue, Chicago. The following North Shore students at Mari week-er Jersey. froin~1u the ope',os I the t.ip. g--t 5. . . at her. N. J. ith the 1~* ~, '40 13-9 qa