Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 15 Jun 1939, p. 16

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prepared tmis week tw zorm the perfect natural settlng for-the thrill; of Amerlca's finest music feBtivaL The . petunia has, long been 'the symbol of Ravlnla, and more thari $00 plants, are, belng placed in the great circular b.d just outside i..e Music pavillon. negumiaFrem Hellaa<l Wax, leaf bégonia and 'canna are along the walks and in a place of honor just to the right of!.the. studio building will bloom the -rare tuber- ous root begonia, from Rloland. Ravinia, is one -of the. few places in America to have t h i s unique be- gonia, since importation, ceased sev- eral y.ýars. ago. H.dges are unelipped In Ravinia, age to the great ,maplslia nilen. ash, oak and. elm and the. bushy, thorn trees. 13.cause the Ravinia paths must be vrtually "crunch-proof," the finest white gravel-almost like sand, is car.fully raked and spread along the. walks. Real Garden Setting When Sir Adrian Boult lifts bis baton to conduct the Chicago Symn- phony orchestra in the first con- cért of the. new season, Ravinia music lovers once m~ore will settle back t'10enjoy great music inI a grefit garden. Renslow P. 'Sherer, of Highland Park, a 'member of the 'Raviniia commlttee, is responsible for the pr.paration of the park. And while the program commit- tee prepares fine musical tare for the beautiful park which Mrs. Louis Eckstein donates to the. festival, the ticket committees are b.nding every effort to make the season a finan- cial success. C oupon Books at $10 It is the sale of coupon books ,nhieh r., e iRas'Can< an id.n nQ- I 1~*.j Photos by Everett Eckenbeck Sea-goin'-minded lads of the North Shore have been busy ut V/sEmette harbor the laet Jewa weeks gettfng 'bouta in shape fo'r a summer'e eailing sea son. The photographe above show some of the typical activities of the Wigmette Sea Scouts. In the top plcture, Mate Ed Cole- grove laye aloft 'on the main 'mast t0 tighten a jwiper stay on the scbooh- er~ "Phantom' In the middle photo, Skipper Frederick P h il1 i'p Maas splices the new shrouds. New can- vas goes on the 38-foot motor cruiser "OuiImette"' (bottom pictusre) with Carter Hadl.y, Tom Lucas, Ed Cole- grove, and Phil Cornes turning to with a. will. [ ea Scouts DAY CAMP STAFF The camp committee of Wilmette council has. secured the. volunteer services of the following nterested womnen as camp staff for interme- diate day' camp: Miss. Ruth Hanseâ, camp nurse; Mrs. R.. D. -Burtner, food mana ger and unit councillor; Miss Alice Fre.-, man and Miss Mildred Farmer, dramatics; Mrs. Ross, Moyer and Mrs. Clarence Booty, sports and games; Mrs. H. J.- Dernehl, camp- craft;. Miss Adrienne Kavanagh,. handcraft; Mrs,.. Leon Kendall and Miss Dorothea Hlennler, nature. Miss Marion Morse, local. director will be the camp director., For the Brownie day camp, the following women have volunteered their services: Miss Ruth Hansen, nurse;. Mrs. R. D. Burtner, Miss Adrienne Kav- ànagh, I(rs. H. J. Nelson, Mrs. David R. Kabele, Mrs. L. P. Mar- tens, Mrs. Sprague Chapin, Mrs. Louis Silver, Mrs. Frank Allen, and1 Mrs. Robert Wolff. The Browni.s will camp for three days, June 26, 27, and 28. The. In- termediates session will be five days, June 19 through 23. Registrations' are now being accepted at the girl scout' office. I NEE~D RECORDS Classical records are n.eded at the cabin to use in the finger paint- ing to ,music~, which wiil be one of the. new 'activities at day camp. Do you have some we could borrow or keep? ESTABLISHED* CAMPS During the. lime that the n, adu Fat Saturday, and Sunday, Septetnbea, 16 and 17 were announced this week as the dates of the. fifth annual dahlia show, sponsored by the Amnerlcan Gardeners' association. The exhibition, which, ln five- years bas..grown. to be the oustand- ing show of its kind i the country, will again be held at Community House., Winnetka.. The Winnetka show is placed- in this high. ranking class by judges who, have offciated here i the past. This high quahity rating, It is pointedout, is due to, the fact that the, North Shore boastssomie of the fInest gardens in the vcountr y, and furtiiermore, thé liv.' organization sponsoring the exhibit has the sup- port of the garden! owners, ail of whom grow dahlias -in large num-. bers. Many develop their choicest blossoms under cheese cloth protec- tion. Otto Zschau, association pres- ldent, .Bid th.ecorp-ing show promý ises to far exceed anything that has been witnessed in former years. Show Comittee The. show committe. this year is headed by Frank Moening, head gardener for the Rudolph Matz estate, in_ Hubbard Woods. Associ- ated with hlm are: Lester E. Bird, head gardener for Mrs. William B. .Hale, Winnetka; Peter D.nny, head gardener for Mrs. Clark Lawrence, Hujbbard Woods; Arthur Woddbury, head gardener for the 'N. Straus estate, Highland Pa 'r; Fred AI- brecht, head gardener for Mrs. Cy- rus Adams Jr., Lake' Forest;. Fred Graves, h.ad gardener for Lynn A. Williams, Evanston; Otto Zschau, Ii.ad, gardener for Mrs. John Gary of Glencoe. Ajoint meeting of the associa- tion's show committee, and ail north shore garden owners interested in." the. coxning exhibît, Was held at Comn- munitY House, Monday evening, June 12, at which time various other committees w.re announced and in anad 'l-Eî

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