Next -Week The summer school registration at New Trier lligh school lias increased to such an extent that no additiorial btudents can be accomrriodated in> typeritig, radio writing-, draia tlcs 11, and Inidustrial arts,, it is ennounced. ýIt is 'stili possible. to register for the many other courses offered, throughi the office of 'the, summer schoûl principal, F. C. ýWin- does. This year.a special effort has been, made to get prospective stu- dents to register early in order to retaîn an'adequate nuffber of. teach- ers to handIe the enrollment Open With Assembly The summer session will be of-1 ficially opened by a general assemn- bly to be held Monday, June 19, at 8:15 A.M.* At this time, the regula- tions in effect during -the. summer will be explained and the report *cards will be distributed. The tui- tion fee of $S' for residents of the township will then'be paid, after ,which the classes will meet on a thirty-minute schedule. The book store will be open until noon so that. by Tuesday classes will be in full swing, according, to the regular schedule. The library will agpin be used as a study hall, and when classes are. not in session students are expected to make use of> it. Many students to meet your neeas with some worthy boy or girl. Faculty.Changes At New Trier Are Announ.ed, There, will be a numnber of Change s in the New Trier High gchool faculty riextý autumn. Missing'when school open s in- September, will* be MiÎss Alice Burchard, Mrs, Alice Fair- bairn, Mrs. Elizabeth Rehage, Mrs.. Iriga Page,, Archibald Van Deusen, and Mrs. Marie Hollandl. Mrs.. Hol-, land will be on a year's leave of ~ulty Andaerson in pnysical ectucation. Miss White cornes frorn Provîso Township I-igh school and Mr. McIinnie from Springfield, (Ill.), High school. Mr'. Stenvaîl is a well known. Chicago artist. Apprentices next year will include Carl Clader, in science; Douglas *indley, in English; Miss Elizabeth Webb, in mathemnatics, and Miss Louise Lambert in dramaties. .1-,. YOU ARE S$TILL ON TIME T oseect thàt raduation .gift. We always keep on band a large setiop of famo)1ut; watches. RAMILTONS froin......S7S LONGINIES 0 ...i....... GRUENS$2 u frein....... Don't fail to see our Graduationi watvh speia. For BOY or j.P GIRL.................. WitIi Autograph Book 1161 WILMETFE AVE. FIRST FIURCH OF CHRIST, 9S-WIT. T Tendi Street and Central Avenue WILM ETTE, ILLfIWOIU actually in session. Demonstration Sehool More than local interest is being created ini conriection with the sum- .mer school because of the demon- stration school and the teachers' work-shop, which are being run i connection with it. This will bring ini many hundreds'of teachers who are interested in learning the approved .Mrs. Virginia Knapp Collinis, or- ganist for the churcli of the Holy Comforter, Kenilworth, will present a series of concerts each Sunday af- ternoon during July andi August at Vesper time at the church. Mrs. Col-, lins will play the eh-rnes, vibraharp, and organ in the Holy Condorter * JUNE 18, 1.939 Subjeet: Is the Universe, Including Man, Evolvedhy Atomie Force? READING ROOM - Il13 3 Central Avenue ' Open baily 9 A.M. to 6 P.M. Wednesday 9 A.M. t. 7:45 P.M. Saturd*y 9n kM. to 9 P.. for home Z5 y ý 26. 1