i t more. bu.sines-s by going a fterit Everyouci eknows that the way to maike, a business, GO lo(lay is b ti se stieeessful tacties of good sales- inansliip.à Ani the prineiples of good salesrnanship aIp1y b tue p -,Ireparatioii of yotur printed matter with iforeefuIIl new emipliasis. Oui-' pî'iîitinig service for business meis one thiat you evan, use with profit. This is an organization with usfeto the gi-ouind. I t off ers you moderni facilities foir(rd 10iiiat1ri.slukeeping with qtality Foi' a business eard or a dle luxe caao-el s îow: WiImetc 43001 or Sîe1drake, 1216. I