as aavertising manager and editor of the Gas- Club New$. A great traveler, he had vislted .niany p arts of the world. lie was a. member of the Dickepg society, the English Speaking union, and the old Press club. * Funeral services, were conducted on.Wednesday morning at St. Au- eustine's Episconal church bv the, Roi,. Hubert Carton, with: bur-al- at Memnorial Park cemetery. His widow, Elizabeth-, a son, John Hardy Weedon -o! Wilmette; and six daughters, Mr.Clarence E. Moore, Memphis, Trenn., Mrs. J. H. C.. Templeton, Scarsdale, N.Y.; Mrs. George S. Knight. ýDallas,. Tex.; Mrs. William.B. Ardery, Washing- ton. -D.C.;-, Miss Winifred Wèedon of Wilmette, and Miss Vivian Weedon of Chicago, survive. EARLE R. HENDERSON Funeral services for Earle R. lien- derson, former nurchasing agent of the village of Winnetka, were held Friday noon at a Chicago chapel with burial at Elmwood cernetery in Syc- amore. He would have been .52 years old on June 30-. Mr. Henderson <ied on May 30 at the Ilinois Research hospital after a long illness. He had been ascae joep >oiyA m»iiwauIee, A.D'..1A5 u .1 Wlmette, and Vincent o! Los An- geles; 18 grandchild*ren, and seven great-grandchildren. MS. C. B. CARLSON Mr$. Lillian L. Carlson died on Tuesday of last week at .hon home, M0 Offord .road, Kenilwairth. -She had -been l11 for the* past 10 years and blind for more than a quarter o! a century. She had lived in Ken- ilworth for the, past 16. years. She was'foirmerly a memnber of the Kenilworth Neighbors ýand was, affilî- ated w i t h. theo Kenlworth Union church. She is survived by her hugband, C. E. Carlson; by two sons, Carl o! Chicago, and Howard of Kenilworth; by two, siters, three 4ro$iers, and! one grandchild. Funeral services were conducted at the Bruecks chapel in Hubbard Woods by the Rev. Herbert L. Wil- lett on Friday a!ternoon, with burjal' at Rosehill cemetery. MES. GEORGE VICTOR 1Mrs. EI!peay Victor o! Evangtoný 1 passed away on Tuesday 'of, last of their promises and maintenance o! floWer gardens and lawns. Wil-. mette, attracts many familles be- cause of! the advantages accrulng the children and the raislng o! eilidren lni the. village.. It seems to me that these very ad- vantakeus features, shSduldbe'nain- tandand everythlng done. te Pro- téct, thé 'good namne of the village ln these respects. 1 am. comlng to thej Dog question. It is-My, Opinion: thAt the dog population ln Wilmette per- haps:e xceeds that' per capita of any1 other, North Shore villagew and Ibis1 dog population and the fact that theyi are penmitted to nun loose is a soni- ous menace and causing destruction of many lawns and much effort on the part of rnany residents. Besîdes, hecause ot 2113nI1er of ,çblI4ren and the advantages for the ralsing of children, this large dog population nunning at large is a menace te the health and wefl being o! these chil-> dren.. The small home dog is not pan- ticulanly destructive, nor perhaps is be quite so dangerous, but I have noted a considerable increase ithe size o! the dogi Iately, al o! whlch rin ooewith the rernilts abovel lege. for bis B. A. degreé. He vil spend the next tbro years> studylng at the Chicago Dental college. El,% Jr., wiMl avie about the, mlddlo od July for hlm new position in Lowefl, INITMTON NIGET -North Shore Delta Delta Delta al- liance wiflgive the circle degree cf initiation, to seniors of the North- western universlty chapter and alU others éligible at'ceremonies to be held ýat the Northwestern chapter house fri-dayý evenig June 9, at 9:30 o'clock. Mns. Walter W.* Koibe, the n.,ew president of the alliance, wrnl off iciate, assisted by the nov officers and memnbers of the alli- ance. Mrs. Koibo is a graduate ber- sefof 0f the IfD liwçoter çpter Be Agent association, and was formerly1 lins college, Winter iParkc, Fla., a regimental sergeant-najor in the Il- little over a yoan ago. Services linois National Guard. During the were held on Thunsday o! last week war he was active in Secret Service at the Scott chapol i vanston with work. burial at ber home town of St: His widow; Mrs. F'ern Gates Hen- Joseph, Mo. Besides hon busband, denson; bis parents, Mr. and Mrs. she is. survived by hon parents, Mr.' William R. Henderson o! Cleveland, and Mrs. Melvin Brion o! the Mis- Ohio-, three daughters, Mrs. Dorothy souri city. Rose and Miss Jane Henderson o! Chicago and Mrs. Aice .Mae Little MISS ANNA MARTIN she taught ithe Evanston publice its îwtn senior ,casm is nuu ul schools. Survving h er is a brother,. Commrencemnent activities il con-1 Axthun. P. Rogers, of Waukegan. tinue fnom June 9 to 12, inclusive. tihoy r-un through the fower beus W avg and trample down flowers and plantsS and destroy potted plants. Just a this mornnng one such beast knocked Gr, over e row o!fiower pots withfresh V4 planted floyers thenein, broke a w number o! them, upset othens and fo bc thon- continued on through ourpnop- red ýeans to get nid of tisj Very, truly yours, W. J. Kenney,j 1045 Chestnut avenue.