cif ]ake nmnmg and aie .counry. $150 Mo. Wonderfualtransp. -WIn. 3318. 1ULTNU-lItp. 6 KO-O-ii EousuE. 1BATH. AND EXTRA sOOwer with dresslng rm. in baernent, water heater. G.E£.,retrg.. Hotpolnt elec. rang. Niely uru.Rlght on thie la e' 50 ils se.of Chcego. $»0 now to Oct. 1. Aloo for sale. Clencoe 4M5. 1ULT*S.ltp NEW WIP URtnISHED mCoTrAGE,ý tbree bedrooms. near Charlevoix. Michgan 1on M kLake. $«00season. #178 July. $» Aug. Unusualy fne meals compulsory.$17M50 weekly. Cmli M1ras. Ross, 761 Mlil,, Glen Eflyn, inI. _______________________156LTN4-3tp charmlngly funisbed cottage on thée lake. Ali,> modem .conveniences. B5%. roonm. screened'porches. whole or heif season. Telepione Wiiuetka 3483. 15OLTNS-ltp TON«SSEE BEACH ROAD - BOL. land, Mich. Completeh furnished, car garage, accessible to owner's pri- vate beach on Lake Michigan. $45 for the season. Delaware 4287. 15eLTN5ltp SU3DER HOME NIXAR LAKEsIDE. Midi. Large grounds. Modern conv.. showers; grand piano. 4 blks. to beach. Avail. J'une & .Tuly. Wlmette 2438. BEAUTIPUL INEW LOG rent iu North Woods,.'M mi. from Chicago. Cmli M Wmn»etka 3M. uAa-1 81 PIECE. DINING ROOM 'SET.. 1'11L5-ltP LiGI*'1' WALItUTDOUBLE BEI).BO apning, Perfect Sleeper mattreas, verY good cond. Als> mahog. ýdavenport. booue down cushions. Wlnnetk .a 3467.5 ELEClTRIC nRERIGZRATOR. PoRtCE- Raîn. 7 cu. ft. size; uaraàteed recon- dioned compressor;. 7.0.111 OtM street, Wllette. P.hone Willmette 2752. 171LTNS5-ltc GLASS AMI)CHINA:ANTIQIES. OUI) mirror and rocker. smali oriental rugs. eCe. sewlng machine, vacuum cleaner, lamps, common china&Oihd glass. *ward- robe trumk. Winn. 278. 171LTN5-ltp BEAU. PINKl AND ORCHID S19RVICE plates, $10, Lovely blue overstuffed living rm. chair, $15. "d êmnahog. bl, bed, lnnersprings and mattre5s. $10. Beau. lamps. Glencoe 792. 17ILTN5-itp ENAMEL GAS STOVE In good condition. Gas plate. Phone Wilmette 3214. 1I1LT1N5-ltp FRIGIDAIRE. 9 CUBIC FEET, PER- fect condition, $50.00. Kelvinator Elec- trie stove burners. 4 burners. ike new., $40.00. Caîl Wlnnetka 1377. 171L5-Itp LAW"N TABLES--CLOSEOUT <ifférs you a nmket for BOOKS. MAGAZInES. FURNITMME. PAPERRAGI: eud pays blghest onceso. eu Wil. Sm3 or Wil. tu. 174LTN44tp BOOKS ý«W WIL BUY YOUR 13009S. ALSO private libraries. W01 cmi., Wilmette 3214. 174LTN4-2tp WANTED: CUE'. OR SCOUT UNITOIIMS for needy Scouts. Doniated or et sllght charge. Cml i nnetka, 3m3. I74LTN5-ltc WOOD FOR FIREPLACE ORt FUR- nace. desirable engths; at sacrifice for immediate removal. Wanted -- 4 eood lookine French doors for, onening 62x88". Wilmette 1146. 17«LTN5-ltp. VILLAGE 0F WILMETTE, ]ILLINOIS N~otce to Conractors, Proposal, Retluire. pienta for flhIding, Instructions to For the Consstruction of EXTENISION TO LAKE-LARAMIg AVENUE WATER MAIN JUNE, 1939 VILLAGE 0F WILMETTE, ]ILLINOIS WATER MAIN NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS Ron1léi iinoséals e..A,.,.A WARREN T. FIFER. Trustee CHRISTIAN E. JARCHOW, Truatee ALFRED W. JENSEN.- Trustee GEORGE H. REI)DING. * Trustee * JOSEPH F. ROSSEIERGER. 'frusteé Attest:- NICHOLAS P. 1MIER, Village Clerk Pienaie 19 Ahead for. Missionary Socit Thie Woman's Missionary -Society of the Wilmette Methodist church> takes a backward glance at, past work and plans ahead for next year at a special pîcnic gathering 'to be hld at Ill ooJokTeday morning, June 13, at the home of Mrs. Hope Kerwiri, 2007 Wilmette avenue., Thie outgoing and incoming cabi- nets invite ail those who are inter- es ted to call Mrs. B. C. Davison, 1437 Forest avenue, for transporta- tion. Following lunclicon and a social. hour R.J. Burrows will lead L. OOMS e MilIs, Wsca FOR SALE 2. spring fed 3 weil buiit c9 abin.1 j rk consiÉts of furn Top TABLE in. IReasonable. r and along: REAL ESTATE. LOANS STORKLINE BABy BI playpen. Almost iieu. Ri Tburada'Y, Wimçtte 6M. sacri 'z,', a qit