closet, inai UAu>U l ros 2msert~ i~ue b with showers. Alsolarge screenedi porch. Interiors by Watson and Boaler Decor- ators include French' paneled master bedroom. scenîc tapered and paneled dining* room, living room typically French in color and wall detaiL. pîne paneled den, large recreation .room with pine paneled walls and, ceiling. composi- tion tule floor, bar. Wood burnîng, fire- place. This home bas every modern convenience, is in immaculate condition throughout,, convenient to transporta- tion. stores. schools, churches, lake. A real investmnent in good living priced to Sell by Jily Ist! See SEARS REAL. ESTATE, Exclusive Agent 421 Richmnond* Road Keniilworth. 5288 147LTN5-ltc Charming New Home Large living room wlth dining alcove in artistic bay window, terrace, modern kitchen with breakfast hQok, 3 bedrms., 2 baths on lat foor; staîrs to 2nd floor ,w-iiéh 'couldbe Éiîhed ' th 2b 8 fi. and bath if desired. attached garage. 1 acre of ground. This Cape Cod colonial with plcket, fence is in a restricted neighborhood with a country atmosphere. Yet near, transportatioîn and school. Offered at $14,000. Frances .J. Winscott Exclusive Agent 614 Willow Road Winn. 1267 147LTN5-ltc 1603 Chicago Avenue, Evanston. Gre. 2700. Wil. . Rog. Pk. MU3. 147LTN5-tc FOR, MODEST INCOMES' Just off Hibbard Road. nestled. în a natural setting of boney- suckle and, lilacs* is a cozy 2 story house of five roomng that com- bines that "off the beaten path" fascination with low living coats. Therels àa huge living room with natural fireplace. 2 very large bedrooms, 2 porches* and 2 car garage. Taxes and heating',to- gether, cost less than $110 a year. The price, is $7.000 and terms can be arranged. SMART & GOLEE, Iie. Exclusive Agents 1564 Shermian Avenue Wlmette 2M6 147LTN5-ltc LIVE FOR LESS ON SHERIDAN ROAD It is so. Here's a sumptuous place of- fered at a great sacrifice. One of those strkin. tll hineyplaceso wihtl roof 'and front terrace set amotng blue spruce andi other expensive evergreens. Solid brick. Nr. lake, L.4 and clubs. Can be had for actually less than rent. Open Sunday. 845 Sheridan Road, Wilmette. 147LTN5.ltc-, Where Can You Buy for $7,000 a small clapboard hse. wooded lot. 100x209; 2 beaut. Low. cost of re modeling wiil make tbf. homne into a fin~e residenCe and mnodern. WITHIN 5 blocks of lake; schl., transp. 8 IRMS. à bdrrps.. .2 bathe, 011, hot wt. ht. WOODED LOT 6OXI50O - attractive surrounding PRICE:"P£09900> Cal r.,.acobs M Il. 1067-358. KING REALTY Lockerbie Country Estates Kingswood Country Estates 3343 Glenview Rd., Wilmette Buy This Instead. of Re ntin g and Save Money- English home -of charm and dis- tinction on exclusive Starr Road- Just, ofered.. A breezewswept 'sun room,,overlooks rock 'garden, Pool and large glhady lawn -5,bedrms., 3'/2 baths. Unusual circumstanoes permit owner to seli on a longterm con- tract with smail cash payment and .,,arounçt,-,P25. per oni ,iui4ng the taxes and interest at onW %. $35,000. This as decidedly worth ini- vestigating. QUINLAN & TYSON, Ine. 584 Lincoln Ave. Wlnn. 177 147LTN5-tc An Architectural Gemn *:7 oos u IVUli, U$ IIUI e wy UVUerlIUKIU. $7.100. Ph. Willmette 358j 47LTNS-ltp IF INTERESTE» II BBUYNG ORý renting corml. home, . ece M3 Sheridan Rd'.. Glencoe. For maikinË gpt.. phone Glencoe 705 or Central 3141. Fair sale or: rentiterme. 1SLUlp 131 FOR SALE.-VACANTr JUST ISTEQ! At Graly Ëeducd Priée! A IneHome SMtW ofabout % Acre, One Block Fromý Lake. Beautiful Neighborhood* of Expensive New. Homes. Formerly Priced at $17,500. PRICE NOW $6.500.00. MCGUIRE & ORR, Inc. $3 Dirs i. xan o. i 2M. 1ILTNS-lte HURRY -HURRY 4 LOTS SOLD 2 houses already built and 2 more going Up soon. All improvements in and paid for in fulli ncluding concrete utreet. Only 5 blocks to depot. stores and schools. Buy now wlxile only- 3 LOTS LEFT. AT $1.500 ELMER E. STULTS, Inc. -Winn. -1800. 21' liv. rm. with r kit.: porch; fullY ir FHA appr. Complete Monthly pay. inc. t. Call Mrs. Taruow! THE BILLS RI 510r Davis St. price :...$6000 es.......... $51. y-Gre. 1166. ALTY,Ine. Wil. 3740. 147LTN5-ltc HOME 0F DISTINCTION Fine English brick residence in a lirfinn mmmadinj a eautififi heat. 108 ft.' corner lot. House.- and grounds in'A-I condition. Owner in Cali- fornia says "*sell.'" R. M. JOHNSTON & CO. Opposite "L" terminal Wilmette 444 147LTN5-ltc BARRINGTON Modern 7 rm. bouse - .unparlor, screened veranda. 2 sleeping porches, 2 SHOR E-TO WNS REALTY, CORPORATION 1603 Chicago Avenue, Evanston Gre. 2700 W4i. 608 Rog. Pic. 6636 147LTN5-ltc A REAL BARÇAIN Good 4 bedroom house-2 baths-hot water heat, 2 car garage. beautiful lot 56x240. excellent neigbborhood. -3 bîks. to Northwestern station. Offered at' $6,000 for llmited trne only. See Mr. Clarce.Baird & Warner 790 Elm Street, Wirînetka KENI LWORTH-Gr ienwood near Ridge. 50x145. $1,800.00. Beechwood. 209 t corner, only $60.00 per ft. LAKE FOREST, 22 acres on Bradley Road, $12j500.00. FrankM. l)ooley, 1137 Central Ave.. 011 heat. Fine location, erl~nc,.- and schis. $17,000. PAUL pHELPS, Imc. 2 North Shéedgl Rd. Highland Pic. 4U0., 147LTN5-ltp FE ROOI M