DAVis 2233 Hollycourt 4220 SJLTNI.tfe Our Firit Mortgage Service Ineludes: INTEREST AT 3%~ AND UP. NO COM- mission on qualified boans. Reason- able terms.ý Quick service F.H.A. boans at neWw r te HOKANS N& JENKS,. mc. 513 Davis Street Eva nston Greènleaf 1617 87LTN65-4tc FEDERAL HOME j~OANS LOANS ON NORTHý SHORE H OMES Maximum loans. Convenient monthly r epayment plan over 5 to 15 years. Deal with a locafl nstitutioni. Fufl details by .inquiry et FIRST FEDERAL SAVINGS & LOAN ASSOCIATION 0F WILMETTE 1Mr. Cllfton. Secretary. 1155 Wllmette AVenue, Wlmette 1623 87LTN35-tfe FIRST MORTGAGES FUNDS AVAILABLE AT CUXIRENT RATE QF NTERST.F.H.A. FINAN- CIGRPIACICAND tl MAN IZATION LOANS. PROMPT SERVICE. Joseph1 C. Cormack & Co. 1569 Shermnan Ave.. Evanstofi Uni. 3353 87LTN43tf c 90 MORTGAGES WILL TAKE SOME MORTGAGE TAT you don't want and give You cl7ear Him proved or vacant mortgages. Owner F. pavlik. .jr.. Kenilworth, Ill. 9OLTN5-Ite Deaine or 1»ýert, lassfie adertsemntswnibe ajc-I De*dline for Inae tona-uesda' 9 P.V M. for WMMEI'rE LFE or aU three papers: 'êednemiday 9 P.M. LrWDUiET" m TAL1Cand ThursdaY 5P. M. for GLENCOE NEWS., Telephones: Wilmettie.m 30,Winnetlca 2000 (Wmnnetka 500 alter 6 P.M>,Gteenleaf 4300 or: Shel- drake 1216-1217. ' Col. Womn. Wants Laundry EX- DAY. VERY REASONABLE- neferences. Phone: Drexel 2933: 94LTN5ltp iEXPERÏ. YO1UNG>GIRL WISHES POSI-> tion as miother's: helper or will take, care of children. Referencées. Wilmnette 10~l7. 4LTNý-1tp EXPERIENCED RELIABL E COLORED- woman wishes laundry or cleanlng bY day. Thursday and Frjday. Davis 8310., 94L5-tp NATIONAL COLLEGE, STUDENT WISH- es to care for chîldren evenings. 20 cents an hour. Wrimett -3fS0. 9L- GENERAL HOUSEWORK WANTED BY experienced girl. Stay nights. $7. per week. Wilmette 281. 94LTN5-ltp EXP. WHITE WOMAN WANTS DAY WORK, CLEANING. REFS. WINN. 1628. __94LTN5-Itp EýXPJERIENCED COL. WOMAN 7WÀNTS work by hour or day. Greenleaf 4501. 94LTN5-ltp FIRST CLASS GARDEMER. 25 YEARS experlence.. HouseMýan or caretaker. NorthShore references. Lakeview 4992. . 1dHir .?I1 l-If YOUNG M AR RI El)MAN, WRITE, wants position as chauffeur; Phone Morton Grove 1709. 95LTN5-2tep 96 OIT. WT.- MALE FEMALER CALL M. BAKER FOR Classified Domestica A Service to Meet Tne Demand of The Better North Shore Homes' Whntka 3012 EMPLQYMENT AGENCY 746 Elm St. Winnetka 96LTN5-ltc COLORED COUPLE 'WITR 10 YES. N. S. experience, good refs. Man, hseman, chauffeur, womnan, good cook. maid. lcenilworth 4730, asic for Essie. .96LTN5ltp SINGLE MAX4 AS HOUSEMAN. GOOD wages. PAUJLINE'S IÇMPLY. AGENCES 421 4th St. Wilinette Ml7 'YOUNG M NWITHSODA FOUnÇTAIN experlence. Snlder ý- Cazel Drug Co. 1167 Wilmnette avenue, Wilmnette. OOLTN5.ltp COUPLES WANT1 Experienced o»ly. Those that can handie the good jobs. at good peyw. Several openlngs SHORINREXEPL. AGCY. 746 Elm St. -Wlnneta- OOLTNS-ltè EXPERIENCED HELP WITH REFERENCES. GENERAL maids, seconds and couples. Pauline's Emply. Agencies 421 th St~. Wit. t211 100 PERUONAI. ENVICtC ROLL DEVELOPMENTS ROLL FILM, 8 prints, 25 cents; 5x7 enlargemexits, 12 for $1.00. Harold Wagner, 1218 Glen- denning rd. Wilmette 2787. 100LTN-ltp 105 FOR SAL-AUTOMOUILES Better Buys In Used Cars Now 1938 Dodge Deluxe.4 dr. sedan, built4in YONG WOMAN WITH- GOOD N. S . refs. wishes part time work, hour or day. Care for childrefl, cleaning, laundry, or cook luncheons or dinners. Wil. 2971. 94L5-tp Laundry to Take Home Experiencek--CalI [or & deliver WILMETTE 2130. 94LTN2-4tp *Washing to Take. Home WILL CALL FOR AND DELIVER. WLMETTE 904 94LTN3-6tp Am-er. ti* last POs.*R understafld work,. 'For SE19B Better Jobry 100 _ ositions, èa . j .Walter, Northbrool<154-R mfls3.3tp BROWNS HOUSECLEANING SERVICE SHOI and lawns; Thorough from attic to EMPLOYME basement with ail equip and trans. Table 746 Elm waiting and bar tending a specialty.________ Reas. N.S. refs. Neat col, Kenilworth 5205 95LTN5-ltp Domestic YOUING MAN, GOOD DRIVER, COM. Good RER FOR )s-Better ?ay sfor general- ks-nursemaids id anld couples ELINE [ENT AGENCY. St. Winnetka 50 Others to Choose From Every car backed by farnous Dodge Dealers' Seal of Dependablity- Triple checked for appearance, of an honest, dependable value. INC. MAID. rXP. COLO1XED. C 1and first floor or general. Smei famunly. Ref. Uni.. 5711. 92 *jMcr4eai. I XPERIENCE DAR single, 30, Pro., good all arc t 1 er. L. Bu~h care Dr. Clark, pwood ave. C.hîcago.1 t JiGI