by 18Q Scouts and parents.s In the 'basebali game, which pre- ceded the other, portions of the pro- gram, the. fath ers trimmed. the boys, 1l to 8. Th pcnc uperwas prepared bytemothers of the Scouts. Formal OpenWng The programi Which 'followed, be- gan. with: the formai troop opening. ceremony, lead by EdWeigel, sen- ior patrol leader. A number of demonstrations of. Scoutactivities were presented. The team captained by Bob Steitz won the knot.tying event, while Gordon Forester lead the group whichwo)n the fire-making yexhibition. the win- ring imÉe was 10* seconds. These events, were followed by the singing of'camp songs lead by' Steitz. Scoutmaster Harold _Spinney introduced the members of Explorer area "Camporal " held last month at Turnbull woods in Gléncoe. The boys are: Bob Canning, patrol lead- er; Ed Weigel, assistant patrol lead- er; Warren MacKenzie, Gordy For- ester, Ev Kennedy, and George Wes- cott. Mr. Spinney outlined the program planned for next faîl, which, he ex- plained, cails for extensive partici- pation. on the part of the parents. The public address system .of the [Dlot SCOutS, SCOUT CAMP~ Scouts of the North Shore Area council registered for Camp Ma-Ka- Ja-Wan this summer can hardly wa it until camp opens July 8. Both the n"Pn nT Jly 8, ebration deimon- ýn and tolerançej - ---.%Pau5lI=egday OPen YOur windOs and tur onathe at6c &n. Inuneiatly >you'jjol uPi anud 0 Hopt' sticky air i PuUed .p anout as hOug b whij, COot er Pigh a gnr, drawn la thiougjh di.>e n do ai. Cool com fort for a Few Cents a OaYI e Beat the heat .. . with Nature's help! Instali an Attic 1129 Cem*rcl Aveunue 'il This5 wiag gtrating, Are I.