Pretented1 above *s the tvînufrig patrolin the Camp-O-Rai -of the Noth Shore Area cotrncil, BoyScouts of Amea e rci.In -the pictnre, g et, to rnght are: Bob Maeser, Gordon Foreater, George Wea- Coït, Warren:MacKenzie,, Robert Steitz,,Everett KennedU, WUfred' Jacob-. sonp, a#d Edtvard Weigel, They are memrberà of TroC V 2, Wdlmette. ATTENDS MEETING G"LDUA&TES WITR ItÉONORSO Daevid Corner wihose brother, John, Robert H. Breen of 140 Sheridan was mnarried: ln Minneupolis on May road, Wmnnetka, was'graduated with honors at the ComÉmencement exer- 27, to> Miss Janeth Brown, accom- cises held Sunday at Notre Dame,