jEvantionh, nutist John David 15 a high1 school senior and Peggy .a high school freshman. John David As a pupil of*Stanley Fletcher, facul- ty member of the Universi ty of Il- linois and a recent soloist with the Illinois. Symphony orchestra in, Cli- cago. Pggy is a. flute. pupil o David van Vactor, composer of dis- tinction,- and member of the Chicago orchestra. The make-up of the program was excellent,. and the performance of both'young artists competent and, delightful. Both are receiving, in taste and in technique, thorough gro unding, toward mature artistry. The classies and a wise selection from a few modern composers were the medium for their talents on this occasion., Plays With Fa.cilty John David plays with surprising facility and brilliance in truly mas- culine style. It is safe to predict that as lie develops emotionally and in imagination his playing willh show a corresponding warmth and aelica- cy. In anticipationi of that time it is a fortunate thing that now whilQ he is ail boy, he is gaining such a comman'd of his technical resources. Pee2v is a.charmingly simp3le mette, bachelor 6f philoibPby; Greg- ory Mann, 221 Woocl court, Wilmette, bachelor of science;*, Heèlen Kozak, .130 Euclid> street, Glencoe, certificate of registered nurse, St. Elizabeth's hospital; Elva Reichard, 545 Monroe,>street, Glen- coe, certificate ot. registered, nurse, St. Francis h ospital. The 69th annual commencemnent at Loyýola .university Will .take .place Wednesday evening,,June'14, ln the university stadium, at 0:45 o'clock. Bulatli*a Stade Ppils O (fer Recital, lune 14' day evening, aune j14, at8 o ciu. The program is as follows: Five Kittens at Play .......... Weston .Merdee Sundblom The Clown.............. Moneymaker Arthur Stade Wood Nymph's Harp............. Rea Se herzino ...i............d'n*e*r,' *"Thom pson Parade of the Penguins.......... Wade Bim Coates Singing Fingers............... Daniel Singing Birds ................ Endres Mary Qavidson March of the Boy Scouts. Grant-Schaeffer SPERAL LAWN ud, GABDF4N, FERTILIZE A weIl-balanced fertiïier, con- .taining ailof the -eleven, needed' lemnents for, proper, irous& growth., Asic for prices -ni the quantlty you ne"d SEMD "GARDEN '110E LAWNM OWERS. GAI>ENING SPLE Du PoNT .PAINT AND CHMICALS woRTINTN The world's ea dig ibrande of lu- aecet amis suapa afor bom buahes tres suadiwnu. Cnil mr. BU&,ntt-if 7011m trofbled. Drive ont CO. Western State contests in both violiti and flute.. We shaîl watch the future of these young persons with expectation of their constantly achieving flew levels in, their artistie growth. The occasion included a delightful pair of performers, a. beautiful pro- gram, and a gracious hostess, to whomn both artist and audience wsh to express their appreciation. emy, Culver, jflg., wnere t Cadet Lieut. Norman, J. Co graduating. Solçier's Marc 4'appari froni ..Von Flotow : B, 1111 enner> Sonata in C Major............. Mozart Bill Stade Trhe Viking March............. Verner Sally Bowern W#altz in A flat ................. BrahmIs Barbara Jrean Van Winkle Poupee Valsante............... Podini Olive Dahncke Anitra's Dance, fromi "«Peer Gynt Suite" ....... re Marlan MeLeod . rg Moon Sonata, Opus 27, No. 2 dMnnight)................... Beethoven ReeoMr 130ci The,