r§EAW8J raS Miss Green, Central-7 points Miss Brown, Central-6 points 6i-A, Howard--6 points Seventh Grade 1-B, Howard-48 points, 2-B, Stolp-35 points 7-C, Howard-28/2 points Eighth Grade -B,, Stolp-48, points- 1-C, Stolp-25 points. 8-C, Howard-181/ points, Daniel M. Davis, direc tor of physi-, cal education. stated that out of the 600 or more entrants, eight pupils coveredý themselves with glory by winning first. place in each event they entered. They1 were: Jimn Clarke,, Barties Wood, Malcomb Swift, Beatrice Bishop, and Barbara Gregg, Stolp, and Amny Hoffmneyer, Betty Steffens,, and Ruth Neumnan of Howard. The. officiais for the day were: manager of meet: Daniel M. Davis; Wagner; awarders: Shirley Libben, Gi ace Smith; clerks: Glen Gather- coaï, Berger Larson, Gertrude Fanckboner, Claudia Eckert; an- nouncer: Fred Satter; judges, Dick ,Huck, Wallace Anderson, Fred Hen- ning,, L. F. Todd, John Speredes, Lester Andresen, Dorothy Lamsol;' timners: J. R. Harper, George Luck, Gladys Pascoe. Junior Honors 1. Jolin Sipp, Giréen, feet 9 inches; 2. Phili Briggs, Julian; 3. Bill Bleser, HrjardBC.Class F Girls 1. Jean Brady, Howard 7C, 3 feet 61,ý nches; 2. Gay Hoffmeyer, Howard 61B; 3. Joan Johnson. Stolp 2D. Ciass E Boys 1. Any, Hoimeyer. Howard 7C, 4 feet 2 juches; 2., Douglas Hoffman. Howard 7B; 3. Rich Holtz, Stolp 1C_ Class E Girls L,~ Audrey, Hoesch, Howard 7C, 3 feet ilà i juhes; 2. Vickey Buena, Stolp 2B; 3. Doris Miller. Stolp 2À. Class D Boys 1. Bile Niggmneyer. Howard 8B, 4 feet 4 iniches; 2'. Bud Torrey. Stolp 2C; 3. Charles Regan, Howard 7A. las 0 Girls 1. Jo AuR Digre. Stolp 1B; 3 feet 1%i iuches;. 2. Eleanor Ratajczyk. Howard 7B; 3. Nancy Meyers, Green. Class C Boys I. Clarence Weeks. Howard BC, 4 feet 6 juiches; 2. Ed. ,Roberts, Stolp 2C; 3. Bruce.Sniith, Stolp 1B. Class C Girls 1. Lauretta Schleler , Howard BC, 3 feet 11,1 incheg; 2. Sonie Makar, Stolp 1B; 3. Itçna Malizie, Howard 7A. Classa B Boys 1. Richard Bolenson, Stolp 2B, 4 feet 9S iniews; 2. 0Êv#l 4*iwwel, Howard 7C * 3. (tie) Gordon Schaefgefl, Howard OR1- Ed. Devln, Howard BC. 'Class A Boys 1. William Schmick, Stolp 2C, 4 feet 9 inches: 2. Frank Ives, Stolp lB; . 3. Neil Currie, Howvard 8A. Class A B Girls 1. Barbara Gregg, Stolp 1B, 4 feet; 2. Shirley Johnson, Hloward 7C, 3. Gloria Dusham, Howard 8A. 50-VARD DASE CJasF -Grls 1. Betty Steffens. Howard 7B, 6.8 sec- onds; 2. Georgiette Even, Howard 6C; 3. Patricig Clausing, Green. uriim AAmrap = %x. x- .--u, land Park; Dale Nichols, Who- lu the only Chicago artist fo have a paint- ing in, the Metropolitan Museumn of Art in New York, and, Lane. K. New- berry, noted Illinois historical paint- er who has 22 pictures on exhibit at the New York World's- fair and 16 paintings of Minois scenes, at, the San Prancisco Wrld's fair. The. e;ýcibit of sculpture will be. fromi Oscar . Mortens who was awarded the. commission for, the Josephine Haneock Logan miedal of the Sanity iArt society. Réad te.%'ntI d If, miss Yarniell, C.entral SCI0U lu' grade, Miss Dawson, Howard. The shuttle rèlay winners were, as follows: Sixth Grade 1-.6-C-Howard 2-Green-Stolp Seveilth Grade 1-7-B Howard 2-7-A-Stolp 1. Ruth onds; 2.1 Leota Lipsc 1. Bartie: 2. Jean Hi >ward 7C, 6.7 Howard 7A; MA. -d 7B, 7.2 se,- Stolp 2B;,3 B. 6.6 seconds,* 1 MC 3. Dick 7.1 sec- yard 8B: 3 nees Caiss D CiBnOYS be on dial Lee ButierHoward, 1,5feet7 nes JtmLuiod.Hoar, 5 feet 2 luches; The, exi Leo Hadley, SqtolP- 15 feet iic. wtrcl class C Girls epcal Beatrýice BishOp, Stolp, 13 feet 3 luches; spciI With the