I ARE THE CHILDREN GOING TO CImp? Mii'. and'Women's Genutine Levis ... 2.25 Ciure»'. reeches and Jodhpurs, -boys' and girls. .from....;9 Western Boots, woiuen s and meu'à ...... 7.95 Camnp TIruik, 4.95 and 6.00 Frontier Troumssr, W'etera. Hat, Plaid Shirts, Polo Shirgis, Kerchiefa, Pocmo, Duffe gags, Mesu Kit., Knaswc&a, Cswteens, Capealun and Suedel Jache.s ad .erything e.1w. BAILEY'S Staff Photos These scenea of the Wcre Mernorial garden, the gift of Mrs. Charles Ware t h iieao eUot a memqzry of lier late husband, were taken last Sundai/. The official dedication, tno c the Rev. LeofKènlaot ndH Dan forth, the Rev. Herbert L. Wiett, and Bertey McCioud will be the principanlspeakte r tLelae pZH. ,next Sunday afternoon at 4 o'clock.pasekr, iltepac Hall Schaub, son of Mr. and Mrs; J. B, Schaub, 1040 Isabella street, Wilmette, received bis bachelor of science degree ini physics, from I111 n.o i s Wesleyan university -in Bloomington dur- ~ ing the annual Lowtr left shows a portion- grounds with the Union chuv the background, while a sie of the fountain itself is at the, right. Eleanor Williams to Graduate at Denison lower The firstcnnet of North Shoire ,boy whoare planning to, at ten 'd CapEcho at Frémont, Mich.,, op- erated by the Evanston Y.M.C.À., is. scheduled to leave June 24 for a month's s9tay, according to Roger A. Treloar, camp director and assistant, 7 Lake~ boys' secretary of the Y.M.C.A. Muinoi and Misà gopne two weeks. a visitors. Parties as- the north entrance. John J. V'JBri e in shop woi Youp i prize it is ie,