Thursday of1 Graduation exercises at New Trier Township Hilgh school will be held Thursday evening of next week at the Leslie Freeman Gates, gym- nasium, and will begin at 8 o'ýclock. The program will last one hour and there will be no speaker. The programi will open with the. processional of the 560 memnbers of the class. This wiil bé followed by. the singing of "'America"l and thée invocation by Dr. Herbert L. Wiilett* of the Kenilworth Union church. The, school choir, under the di- rection of Mrs. Adelaide Jones Brad-- burn, of the music department, will sing three numnbers: "Ldost . n the Night," by Christiansen, "Blue Bird," ariranged by Max Krohn, * and ','Sing We and Chant 'It, " bY Morley. The class gift is to be presented by Jack Davis, class president,, and will be accepted by John P. Ball- man, president of the board of cdu-, cation. * Next, Supt. UVatthew Page Gaff- ney is to present the class and the diplomas will be awarded by Mr. Baliman and Mrs. Sherman Aldrich, member of the board. The reces- sional will follow. The school orchestra, directed by Mrs. Marian Cotton, is to play. It will be thée 39th annual commence- ment of the .school. Iligh4 -ehool Board Committees NaniedI Personnel of the committees of the board of education of New Trier Township High school for the com- lng year were announced this week by John P. Bailman ýof Wilmette_ president. Miss Madi Bacon is the direé- tor of the North Shore Coa society which iU lpresent; *8 fcurth annual garden, pro grain Sundiy afternoon, June 11, at 5 o'clocle et the -home of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Sieck, 740 Ardeley road, Winnetka. If the weathet' does izot permit an outdoor con- cert the program wiUl be giveii et Wiqmetk# Commun4tu Mpzêa<. For the second year Paul . and Qretel Dunsing and their dancing group will take part ini the entei'taimn- ment, presenting several folk dance numbers. Brahms' "Requiem" which t h e society sang i Evanston at the First Presbyterian church during Holy Week was their major under- taking for the year. The program, Sunday, will be light, informal, and in keeping with the season.. Si. -Francis-Xavier School Wîll Awvard Diplomas Sunday The closing exercises of St. Fran- cis-Xavier school, Nlnth street, and Linden avenue, will take place Sun- day evening at 8 o'clock in the newly completed churc.h. The sermon and awarding of diplomas will be fol- lowed by benediction of the, blessed Classes will be in 'session from 9 to 12 ,A.M., with a 25-mihute recess period for recreation. No home work will be required. For children vaca tioning at home, summer, class- es provide a veryworth while ac- tivity, it is Pointed out. Classes will be ,i session during the cool part o! the day, with the. balance of! the day free for. any recreation Abat is, désired. Clsses will be ope, to alppl plapnng to enter' fi! ti, sixth, sev- enth, or eighth grade. Judiciawl Ballot Brings Out Light Voting omtShore While authentic figures are not yet available, scattering . returni in- dicate that New Trier township clung to its Republican traditions in Monday's Judicial election, giving the candidates on that ticket a ma- jority over those on the victorious "Coalition" ticket. The voting, showed a lamentable lack of interest, approximately 35 per cent. of the registered voters going to the polis. IIow light the vote was is shown by the vollowing exaniples: Precmcet 24 had a total of 99 votes; preciet 23 polled 144; precinct 26 had only 54; precinct 32 returned 123; precinct 41 totaled 88, and, precinct 28, 179. Republican committeeman, for New Trier township, Henry A. Gard- ner of Winnetka, attributecl the smnall vote to the almost complete lack of organization, and the de- moralized situation extendmng all over the county. *Promotion exercises for the eightb grade students of the Howard anid Stolp schools were announced this week by. the respective principals.: L., F. Todd-,and Vernon Replogle. nOWARDSMOOL The Howard school program wil take place on Wednesday afternoon of next week at 14 o'clock. The' program :is to consist of a panel discussion1 of Howard school eighth grade activities, planned and presented by the eighth grade pupfils., Panel Dlsmussln Ralph- Kramer will be chairmnan of -the panel and the subjects speak- ers are to. be:- dinstrumental Mu- Sic, Ann Sabin; "Phy'I d sical Train- ing," Bruce Bradfield; "&Three R',," Clarence Weeks; "Practical Arts," F'red Crawfpr4; , ,'Çj4,' Edward Smith; ',Safety,". Donald Wflflng;' "Interestlflg Facts," Mona Morris; "Dramatics," Patsy Peterson; and "Vocal Music," Richard Boyd. This will be followed by the pres. entation and acceptance of the clama. On Thursday of next week the seventh and eighth grades wifl have their class day and picnic, the for- mer event being held i the school auditorium i the mornng and the latter in the forest preserve ini the afternoon. Diplomas are to be is- sued et an assemllY of the eigbth grade chldren on Frîday m~orning of next week. STOLP BCHOOL The exercises at the Byron C. Stolp school will be held on Thuirs- day of net week eat 4:.15 o'clock. The program will begin with a panel discussion on "'Experiences at Stolp School," i which Martha Ar- mitage, McClain Bercaw, Frank Ives, Patricia McDeriiott, William Schmick. and Jean Shanesy wrnl par-