mUUL ~ust e L evectli A i. ouIrAAI isL;ex pects to get the maximum of plea- sure from his trip, aànd at the same Urzne arrive sale and sound at hi. destination. List Important Itens. T'he: following items,. if .foflowed, should help. increase'your summer tuigpIçasure: (1) Plan your route before you stant. study ;out the best way to go, consider., ing pavlng, distance and other factors. Do not depend upoil asking the WaY; get a ,good map. tetertr to- (2)> know..tëtiioyto oughly, choose the east traVeled roads; you wIU make better time bY avoldlng crawded thoroughfares. 1(3), If you do not know the. territory. stick to the regular- marked routes-> and do not expertinent with' short cuts, un- less you have plenty of timne. (4> Whenever possible by-pass thé downtown districts. Use throuigh streets to do this if they are available. In trvesing a busieiss distict, do. it .wh as few turns as possible. (5) Be sure to check your route at every junctian point. Neyer run by di-I rection sigus without flnding out what they say. (6) FoUlow detours carefully. Do flot try to use streets under construction, "at your own risk," unless there is na ather way. (7) Do nat try ta drive and study a map at the same time. 1(8) Make it a habit ta ask questions frequently about local conditions. When riIn obt, find out. particularly ifyo Koebne Photo Mis Mulel Clinautaý, daughteTr ofBYgader Geneal gand Mvs. jôhui V. Clnnin, 259,Maple1Hill ro cd,'Glencobe, 'recèived the de- greie Bachelor of, Science at the commencement e .xefC5e5s at Mttndelein coflege, Chicago, June 5. Mi s CIinnin, who lias majored in zoology, ia a membér of the German club and of the Science Forum. VISITS TWO FAIRLS John Phillips, 1003 Michigan av- enue, Wilrnette, is home from a six wveeks' circle trip of the two fairs. He first went to. San Francisco for, off crs Intensive àixweek typing çourfe Intensive eight-week shortland and typîng ceotte~ Classes Begin. June 1-92 1718 Sherman Avenue W. .H. CALLOW, Mgr. UNiveraity 3004 WM. H. CALLow, Prin.' Swarthmore Graduate James S. Zinner, son of Mr. and. Mrs. Sha'ndor M. Zinner of 723 Greenwood avenue, Glencoe, was a member of the graduating class 01 Swarthmore college and received his diploma at the, annual corn- rnencemneft exercises held Monday, June 5. Zinner, a major in Eng- ish, is -a graduate of New Trier . . . _ ý 1-- 1-- - - -tiv.4;, ,_ 1674 TRACY TAYLOR (Taylor TrunkCob.) E.L RendsipI St. CHICAGO -,.~ -I M