Amnerîca F011 BOYs.. OPEN for Inspetion Suuday, June 1llth Dieout route 45 to Milburn, turn left and follow signs 2 miles to Camp. Just 50 miles Right at Home, pesj 1me é19 Por> the thlrteenth season, Camip Shorewood will brlig ail of the tbrill of real camp lite b t the chldren of the North Shore. Oly a few min- utes from their homes, boys and girls from 3 1<> 14 years will learn ail of the %ports and know the fum of the out-of-doors that children en- joy at theéfine ýdistant camps. Large âcreened cottages, tucked, among the sand h-Mas and trees, lend an atmosphere of, the tiorth woods. There la a spacious private ýp lime. Children may attend If days, fa» days, or fl » ime. lhere are six age groups at Camp rewood, and men instructors for SA Ys over 6 years. The group di- etors and their qualifications are follows: couwelor Ralnbow L on teacher Y-OÔIdo.Wesieyan--Noith-, eraly-instr1oetor of Phys- sat Mwauloee Unlverstty go;-Unlvetsty of Chicago- mmnp counselor end leader Gxeorge C. Terzakes eberfo the ootafltéa an the student council, and former clais officer, who lives at 402 -Maple avenue, Wil- mette, was one of il studenits in the metropoit an area granted- an honor scholarshlp by the Unfiversity of Cli- cago. Donald Cushman, '739, Greenleaf avenue,: Glenepe, memnber of the cast of "4Pinafore" at the school, this year, and memiber of the track teami has been given ýa scholarship te Colorado 'college. at Boulder. Alan Hnreleaon Wal. ______________;~.Alan Bénreksojiof 135 Washing- Outdor Cokingof te grduatng c assatColgate Outdoor Unversity. Heie l sche4uled te be estY ofCicg lementary graduated on June 12 with the, de- ,eceatongroups for chfidren. gree of bachelor o! arts. Tambl-M-orthwesterfl univer- He was prepared at New Trier eground ietrn Chicago High school and at Colgate lias spe- -eiormeS r.cialized in chemlstry. Shoewodloctedat822 Hie was winner for two years o! Lavenue, Wilmette, opens5 the Regional scholarsblp. and cotne wleweeks ______________ *t8 hlrnza be en- Horsemanship, ail bed- ding', towels, soap, mod- ern sanitary system, bath house, bot water, electricity, ail -weather ?tern tâi- iication - Ina pect Schoola in 0 0 D Colorado Region ~ ç Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph M. Oster- r .ti.~ zann, 234 Warwick road, Kenil- -bO ' worth, and their son, Robert, made 2a trip to Colorado Springs last week direct contacts, ho provide au- thenic travel information for North Shore residenta. Inquiries directed to us wWil be given' prompt and expert attention at n obligation. By avocation and vocation Miss Trueie s a world traveler. Srnce 1926, she lias conducted the North Shore Travei Bureau, State Bank building, Evanston, an«' in that cariacity serves huai- or Ni'.. Erueot Waruer 2m88Peut.. M ai. Vihsem. 4973 noon. Mins Majo INSTRUCMIE- be 300 For InfemNem oel Mu. Pear- son. 2104 Forge Ave. Chieiogo. Irlurg.*. 0379 oru Wl... 4865. 'I