Must Possess By Marjorle McLean Leary Camp ConsultaUnt The whole field of organized camp- ing is composed, of values which parents should >1consider. carefully. Somre of th es e 1values ýare fixed and underlie the * ~ . .camp plan, wheth- er it is an oÈgani- zation or private- *ly owned and di- rected camp. There are severàl values that are common to both types of ramps, however, and, we wil liet just a few of them. Bernie Photo The qluality of MarjrieLarY the direction and MajoieLeryleadçrship is equally important to both types of camp. Te seletion~ of cozngenial * groups of campers, the camp prop- erty, its equipment, location and gen- eral attractiveness; the sanitation and safety provisions for keeping * the campers well; the facilities for interesting activities that the individ- ual camper will have, and how well the opportunities conformi to his need, and last, but by no zneans least in importance, plenty of good whole- some well oked food and an abun-, * dance of milk. AU Are Essenitl, Jacea wtnU! c &amii p tcie7, problema are . nvited to consuit wmth Mrs. Leary. who i,8 a recOg-e n:zed authority on camps. Cali this n ews magazine f0? an Up- pointment. AUt conferences are strictly con jldentia!. mnust usually X;nake arrangements early, in the season, as an places are usually filled ýby the time .camp opens. -Organizatin c a m p Ilsiare plannedto give. children. Of Parents of moderate means, a short term. out-oft- doors, campl experience. Tui- lions usually range from $8 to $20 a week. The camp plan is democrat- ic and enrolîments are. usuall Y > made from the local groups sponsoring the organization. The camp location is usually not very far distant from the homes of th. ecamer& so.h expensive transportation is not a drawback. The camp is usuallY owned and paid for. by funds given to the organization for that purpose and the tuition paid by campers takes care of the upkeep, leadership and food. Most of the organizatioli camps are directed by exceedingly able people who expend great care in selecting and training counselors a ~nd in planning a program adequate SUNNY CREBK FARM for Swimmbe mmi aoVltMs :oy& boys '.w Tutorlng cor private Wimotoig 1U55U1 b y Fp e c a l a r r n g em i t . n b *m . mS Mon. or W.i.vd enlng0th_0' AUl OffsIcwub, -BOY, and Sea B ffl uint c . U M ayI s. b~ sud Iar reim mmu'uhIxmid BOUSEOF. TREE SEARS A VACATIOIN CAMP fer Boys ANI) GIRLS IumtIv. te b muI sI f-vfl.blbScod »W SM e ir hgmmI by ppoehSitfy fe, prti aemt. og.p of ~ O" .11*..Ww m aise hemlmg. A semmBof sfan le mude t fIpgm.ese of sIkUh Addre sMRS. EMUL! JININS lLOYD. St. cmi.vI.IL o! his ability as perfect a amp 'as ne-" -- can from the materials at. hand. season or one-month campers. Thle While there are a great , many higher fee charged by the private excellent camps both -n the organi- cms-emt;safo elta» zation and private field, the basic ed adult counselors who are wefl camp plan and purpose is usually paid for the responsibilities they quite.dfent must assume. The good private differnt. cmp usually has somethlng special Short-terNE Experielice t ffrf tewa !an attractive. - 1-~+rrnlots of rvate property, The organization camp wnicn comi- prises, commuriity projeet camps, Boy Scout, Girl _Scout, Y.,C.A., , an . tiec New Tiri "Corne On In1the Wate's Fine" Bigh scbool 0 aâ ôOnen Thofr Cil Mr Jacks«., Wla..2400-1 591I VIt4TERS: SUNSCT MOTEL, ST.. PETSRSOURG, FLOfiODA