Campera wil be divided accord- ing to ages into units of 20. Each unit will have a special meeting place in the camp grounds, and a characteristic symbol for the girls tô wear. For example, the Indians- will have featherý head,:bands,. the Gypsiesý wil make colorful sashes, the Pioneers, scarfs, the Robin Hood girls, leatheredcaps, etc.. Special activiteofrefo d- idual choice will- be:. dramatics, sports, campcraft,, handicraft, na- ture, and farm'visits. These acti*v- ites will be under the supervision of wo0men trained in each field. .The older girls will camp from 9.30 to 3:3O, and the brownies from 10 till 3 each day. Registration must be in at ýthe, office by. June l5th,.. Transportation will be 'provided by i and PINU tiere iu dhug Stables. Io. flrad good horses and exceelent steak tg ridng inlunimnated ring. Private tons. ET (3 blocks west of Raflas bal> oue NORTON GiLOVE,16M READ' THE WANT ADS. King George VI and Queen E lizabeth, nowo viiting the Unted the cmp cmrnitee.Statesa, aTe nere sflOl.LIn . 'm- -h cmpjomitems1.P of -Boy Scout and Girl FATHàEtS o h a hcg e Guide motements in En gland. A feature o h a hcg e Mrs. John Clark Baker of Wil-. gional conference which has at- mette brou ght this photo back tracted national notice was't1he ap- from Eglnd pearance of a Girl Scout father as one of the banquet speakers. A'I1rrdiner, wifl fly up into Intermedi- member of the men's committee of'l.ate girl scouting. the Chicago counicil told the confer-, Week-Ends at Cabin ence delegates some of the things hie Senior troop 6, of which Mrs. thought men might do to help Girl Chandier Sterling, is the leader, scout counicils provide more scouting spet the week-end of June 2, 3, at for more girls. -Women have been the cabin. Troop 3 will be there carrying on this great work for 27 for an overnite on June 9 and 10. years," he said. "They have done Troop 9 Court of Awards a sllefldid and constructive piece of At a recent overnite outing of 1 --I S UNDA Y DINNER 90C SUNDAYU JUNE l11. 1939 eat and Tomato Canape_ Tomatt for men in Girl, Scouting? What Ne happens to a man's daughter is just Ils as important to himn as what hap- fie pens to a9 mother's son is to her. j, There are many wa.ys by whieh men Ça si can help Girl Scouting. They can K, organize committees to help get re camp sites anrI then to keep the Bî camp, its buildings, and equipment Ný in, good shape. My advice to men N in every,,commuiiity is to go to the iRoast Iowa Milk Milk Fed Calf's Sweei 'elery Dressinlg, in Butter on Toast Choice of Two Vegetables: Whipped Potâtoes New Potatoes in Creamn Fried Süithern Corn Fritter Buttered .Fresh Asparagus Buttered Green Peas Lettuce or Non- Mrs. Harry Adler'S pack 4 WÎI[ baby, their first e close the season with a final picnic son of Fire Chief ' meeting on1 June 8. The mnothers of and Mrs. Zibble o: the broWnies wifl be preseit, and dress. Mrs. A. L.2 two girls, Shirley Hoth' and loùe mer Leona Kanitz ýSALADS