Count1ryuidu uevine .wrs. Wvvm 1. Dr., iCharles Parker uonnolly read Presba in a candlelight cerernony the service in, a church decorated, last Saturday everiing at 8 o'clock in with mixed flowers in tail urns, and the Church of the Christian Union in with taper-filled candelabra. Im- Rockford. mediately afterwards a reception Fa4shioned with a1long train and was held at the Rockford CountrY with sleeves that corne just béiow club where the decorations also were the elbow. the gown ,is trimnmed spting flowers. with orange 'The bride' Mr. Presba and his bride have wore a doubie-tiered tulle Veil, one left on. a three weeks' trïp to. Ber- part formning part of the bridai train, muda from which they minl return the other falling over her face. She. to màke their homeé at. 735 Forest carried a. bouquet, of White orchids -road, G;lenviçw. and valley Mies and wore a string Amnong, the out-of-town relatives. of, of pearîs, the gift of the bridegroomn. the, bride and. groom a. t the wed- The bride and her attenidants, all ding were. Mr. and- Mrs.. Williaffi wore white lace gloves. The gôwns G. Paynter,, Mr. and Mrs. Axel -Raed-,l of the matron of honor,.Mrs. 'Robert el,, and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Conk- Bigler of Rockford. and the maid of lin, a nd Miss, Helen Raedel, Sigfred honor. Miss Virginia Presba of Wil- Raedel, RaymnondRaedel, Dr.,E. H. mette,- sister of the bridegroom, Raedel,, and Mrs. F. H. -Raedel, al were of chiffon of. a d e e p pink of. Chicago; Mr.. and Mrs. Eugene shade. and the bridesmnaids, Miss Walsh of -Davenport, Iowa; Mn. and Genevieve Blake of Chicago, miss 'Mrs. Cortland Davis of Alexandria, Gladys Shaw. and Mrs. H. Xick Ind.; Mns. Fred Norton of Birming- Countryman and Mrs. Wallace Coun- ham, Ala., and Mr. and Mrs. 'Don- tryrnan, of Rokford wero. rssed al, Dick and Miss, Anita Dick, of La in. blue chiffon. Their frocks were Grange. made with full skirts. smocked Guests frôm this vicinity. ncludedi yokes. and short puffed sleeves. The Mr- and Mrs. Charles Edwards, Mrs.1 brides. attendants had blush veils Joe S. Thompson, Mr. and Mrs._ to match their dresses, and the veils Ralph K. Behr, .Mr. and Mrs.. A. H. wýere fastened to their hair with Glantz, Miss Ruth Gantz and Dr. flower clips. Dwight Clark, ail of Evanston; Mr. Mrs. Ho.ward D, Countryman chose Pnd Mrs. Oliver Morton, Mr. and, a blue lace frock for her daughter's Mrs. Clifford Sleininger, Mn. and %vedding and had a white orcbid Mrs. E. A. Fellens, Mn. and Mrs. tinged with purpie to wear with it. Arthur Seddon, and Mr. and. Mrs. Mrs. Bert. S. Presba of Wilmette, Joseph Converse, of Wilmette, Mr. mother of the bridegroom, wore and Mrs. William Rambeau of Win- chartreuse chiffon with matching ac- netka; Mrs. William B. Stewart of cessories. and a purpie orchid. - Glencoe, Mr. and Mrs. Jefferson The four-yeàr-old niece and neph- Aldrich of Glenview, a n d Mrs. ew 'of the bride, Denise and Sanfordj James R. Bremner, Jr., and Mrs. Countryman, both dressed in white 1 Edwin L, Read, Jr., both of Chicago. 0PENING O0F RER MILLINERY SALON monda y,69ne tw4tl, rnnetcon tLirty-aine. ýCUSTOM DESIGN[NG AND MODELING T.I.phons Winefa 8US TH4E CIMNEYS. lBey, R..d.:'WIae*& UIR CONDITIlONED for COMFORTABLE SHOPPIG-. for graduation, days aend- nights ýW hiteé EDGAR A. STEVENS, hIc. Easo Evansfon