Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 8 Jun 1939, p. 54

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Of N. U. Class, '24 1The Northwestern university lass o! '24 wil bighlight its flfteenth .re- union with an informai dance at the Kenilworth club, Saturday evenng, June 10. The '-reunion group is in- vitlng the classes of .'23 and '25, to join in the festivities. 1"Prexy ,Scott's Babies" is .the theme of the reunion, President Wal- ter Diil Scott and -the ciass o! '24 having begun-:their Northwestern ca- reers together in the I*l of 1920. The.class will meet at Deering li- brary et 1il o'clock'Saturday ý'morn-. ing to march in the Alumni day Parade. President and Mns., Scott have been extended a speciâl invitation to be present at the dinner dance at the Kenilworth club, at which there will be speciai entertainrnent by prominent radio stars,, and othier, speciai acts by members of the ciass and their children. The three chul- dren o! Mrs. Herbert L. Zipf o! Winnetka will give a dancing skit in costume. Richmond Corbett of Winnetka is general chairman o! the reunion andi Mr. andi Mrs. Thomas Gonser of Barrington are the assistant chair- men. W. Mason Smith o! High Park is the treasurer, andi t he general committee includes Rolandi Feltman, Leonard Paldar, and W i il a r d Grimm, of Ketnilworth; lEdward lier- mian of Niles Centen; Mrs. Herbert Zipf, of Wimetca; -andi John Scott, Mrs. Richard Hart, andi Miss Doris Corbett, of Evanston. Mn. Paldar 'is the ticket chair- man, andi is assisted by Mr. andi Mrs. John Goessele and James With- erell, of Evanston. Mrs. Zipf andi Mr. Grimm are co-chairmen of the dinnen committee, andi servmng with them are Joseph Dempsey of Glen- coe, and Mrs. Leonard Paidar andi Mr. and Mrs. George Fry o! Kenil- Mr-s4 To.»aeB.-S inleton of Glencoe is the neu' president of the Associate Alumnae of. North- western uni versity. ehé will re- ceive, with the mem bers of her board, at the annual tea the alumnae will give Saturdai, aj- ternoon, June 10, from 3 to 4:30 o'clock. The' occasion, Alumni day, is part of the festivity at- tendant upon commencement. Jump, an informai dance for jun- iors, high school age and' over, Fn-. day, June 16, from 9 unil 1. ]Res-ý ervations art to be, made before June 15, .at the clubhouse. Mre. James D'. Woolf o!, Winetka, is'chairman of the commnittee whose comm.ittee membe rs are. juniors: Patty Puifer, Martha Woolf; Mar- garet Woolf, Nataije J.oomiîs, John Wilson, John Platt, and'Mary Cun-, nin ghamn,-o! Winnetka; John Mock of Evanston, Marvin , larmns and Bob, Ingwersen o! Wilmette, and, mÉ k Alice Pfister of Highiand.Park. Play Bridge Rosary club, Decade III, 'met at the home o! Miss Genevieve Làgen recently andi hati a most deiightful afternoon over the 'bridgeé'tables. TaIk was enliveneti by tales of the odd experiences encountereti by their missionary, as related in a number of letters, whiie feeding the numer- ous starving andi war-re!ugees of Peking. The human-interest stonies among these poor people woulti fil a book, -evidently, but they are al- ways 50 grateful for their "bowl of rice." Rosary club is one of a group of Techny clubs. National CoII.go Alumnae Board Will Meef Tonghl Graduation Dinner Bernice Jane Mitchell, of Wil- Tonight (Thursday) the.new board, mette, who is graduating from New o! the North Shore Aiumnae of the Trier High school this month, wil National' Coilege of Education is entertain sixteen guests at a grad, -fiiting et 7:30 o'cloek, at the home uatioft dinner party at her home on o! Mrs. George D. Theisen, 203 Eirn- Monday evening, June 12. wood avenue, Evanston. Mr$. Theis- en has been rè-elected president of. the organization which now has ' a m embership of about one-thousanti. On the new board with the host- ess are Mrs. Arthur Carlson of Ev- Parley lune 25-28 Aregional convention of districts I ad.IIofKappa Alpha Theta will be held at the Golfmnore hotel, Grand Beach, Mich, fromn June 25 to, June 8,inclusive. Business sessions, round. table, discussions, sports, a picnic supper and a, formai banquet are inciuded in the program. College and alumnae chapters of the' sororlty in the two districts will- send delegates and representatives. The universities repr esented wili be De, Pauw univeirsity, Indiana univer- sity, Butler univei'sity, Purdue uni'- versity, Northwestern university, the Univer sity of. Illinois, Washington university (St. Louis), Drake univer- sity, and the University of Iowa. The alumnae chapters -included are, Bloomington, .Gary, - Hammond, Greencastie, Indianapolis, and La- fayette, ail in Indiana; Des Moines, Iowa, ~Evanston and, Chicago South Side, in Illinois; and St. Louis, in Missouri. Several alurnnae clubs wil also' send representatives. Officers who wiIi preside at the business sessions are Mrs.. T. T. Moore, Grand Council representa- tive; Mrs. William F. Maurer, presi- dent of District I; and Mrs*. Willard T. Grimm, president of District IL. Ida Carothers Merriam, a Theta alumna and president of the North- ern Illinois branch of. the National League of American Pen Women, will be guest speaker at the opening session and her topic wili be "Per- sonaiity Development." General arrangements for the con- vention are in charge o! Mrs. E. Gor- don Fox of Chicago; Mrs. Albert Mulliken, Jr., of Gary will be social chairman; and Mrs. H. A. Morri- son of Winnetka is. programn chair- mnan.. Aids Juge. Ja p

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