Vera Gillette and Vincent Micari, play together, critics-,deéclare, with perfect unanimity and With an im- pressive style and brilliance. They are taking musical circles by storm. ,B hare ottanding Jjx4ividuaL-ar- ists, and the committee feels itself very fortunate in securing them for the opening of the club. The civics department will present Clifton Utley, well known publicist and radio commentator, in a series of three lectures on international af- fairs. The fîrst program is scheduled for January 10. Mr. Utley is dlrev- tor of the Chicago Council on Inter- national Relations, and is in great demand for his lecture series. His trips abroad keèp him in constant toucliwith world'evenits and bring authority to his taiks. Three dis- tinct stiady courses will be offered by the club, civics, literature, and dra- ma.. Bertita Harding will be the speak- er Wednesday, December 6, which has been narred Literature day. Those who know her book, "Phan7- tom Crown", which has been made into a motion picture called "Jua- rez", and is current in Chicago star- ring Bette Davis, and those fa- milar with her. later publications, will savail themselves of, the onnor- At .Assembly Dr. George P. Magili, 1011 Lake avenue, former pastor of the Wil- mette Presbyterian church, attended the general assembly of the Presby- terian church in Cleveland, Ohio, last week. and then went on to Charnbersburg, Pa., to deliver the baccalaureate sermon. Hé arrived home Wednesday after an absence of-two weeks. Pubicist Robert Kinge'ry of Wivrnetlca, general manager of the Chicago oegna Pann*g asscition 'will give the address at the after- noon meeting of the Garden Clvb of Illinois at Skol4e Country club Mondays, June 12, at 2 o'clock. The afternoon session of the all- day meeting is open to ail mern- bers of garden clubs affiliated with the state organization. The Glencoe Garden club is the hos- tess club. Illinois Ga*den, Club WiII Meet At Skokie Monday The Garden Club o! Illinois will be the guest o! the Glencoe Garden, club at a mneeting M4onday, June 12,. at Skokie Country club. cessful year Wednesday with a spring luncheon and bridge party at Glen.Vie Country club. This is the oplyr purely social activity of the ,members for their own pleasure,ý during- the season.. Present were aibout sixty-five members a nd their guests. Mrs. Vilas Johnson, the president, and Mrs. Ralph Sorenson, ,social. servi1ce chairman, gave .brief sum- maries of the annual repot hch they had previously presented -ati the Ju ne meeting held at ýthe home of Mrs., Ernest Hunt of Kenilworth, a, patroness.. The group voted to give, children at the three ho.1mes assisted by the organization (Lydia Children's home, Central Baptist home, and Lake Bluff .orphanage) weekly summer treats as was the custom last year. 'They also voted to buy Mity dollars wo6rth of dishes needed at the Lake Bluff. orphanage, and to furnish the girls graduating from grammar s chool at the Lydia home and Lake. 'Bluff orphanage wlth graduation ,dresses and accessories. A grou.p meeting at the summer camp of the Central Baptist home at Lake Delavan is being planned for the end of June, and lin the absence of the president, Mrs. Johnson, the new vice-president, .Mrs. A. F. Schu- macher, will be in charge of the ar- rangements, it was announced. Total receipts of the Friends of Lake Bluff orphanage for the year were $8,351, Mrs. L. W. Stratton, the treasurer reported, and of this amount, $2,824 was raised by the projects eommittee. Azcording to thxe report of Mrs.. Ralph Rettig, membership chair 1- man, t h e average attendance ýat meetings was thirty-one, from a closed membership of forty. Ten: new members were accepted and there is now a waiting list. Of the forty, twenty-one are charter mem- bers.