To Wed on June 24 A weddimg of mnterest to Wilmette residents is the marriage of Mis Grace Millicent Turnock, daughteF, of Mrs. Gladys 1Turnock of! Evani- ton, and, John Eddy Utley, son of Mrs. John B.. Utley, also of Evanston, *hich .will. take place at 5 'clock, Saturday, June 24, in St. Luke's pro-ca .thedral in 'Evanston. The bride is the daughter of Mrs. Turnock, the. former Gladys Donald- son of Wihnette. The Very Rev. Gerald G. Moore wiil oficiate and after the. ceremony a reception. wfil be ýheld at the, Evanston hoteL. Mrs. B. W. Hulbert of Wilmette, sister of the brldegroom, is to serve as matron o! honor, and Miss Nat-, alie Turnock, sister of the bride, as maid of »pxnr. Mis Dorotby Davis, of Larchrnont, N. Y., cousin of the bride, is to be a bridesmaid. Mr. Utley will have James Bow- man o! Evanston for his. best man, and the ushers will be B. W. Hul-, bert, and Bud Howland o! Chicago, a cousin of the bridegroom. The bride will be given in marriage by her brother, James H. Turnoçk, Jr. Miss TuÉno~ck will be the guest of honor at a cocktail accessory show- er and supper 'party on Sunday, June 11, and June 23, preceding the rehearsal, Mr. and Mrs. Hulbert will give a cocktail party at a dhmner et Skokle Country club for the bridai party. Host and hostesses for the June il party will be Mr. anid Mrs. J. Strong of Barririgton and Miss Betty Sunderland o! Winnetka. Maurice Seymour Photo Ttoot Photo Mrs. Chester W. Laing, Jr., (le It), 116 Woodland avenue, Winnetka, and Mrs. Jasper King (r:ivht), 575 Arbor Vitae road, Winnetka, are members of the committee assistfng tith'plans for the alumni reunion which f il be held at the University of Chicago commencing this weelc- end. Mrs. Ki 'ng is makîng the arrangements for the alumni breakfast at 12:30 o'clock Saturday morning in the Cloister club at.Ida Noyes hall. Mrs. .Laing is north shore hostess for regiQnal advisors' tea at 5 o'clock Friday, June 9, in Ida Noyes hall. Other Winnetkans serving on the reunion committee are Laird- Bell and Hill Blackett of, Wnnetka, and John Nuveen of Kenilworth, a newly elected trustee of the university. Induct Officers Commencement Tee At Northridae Club Event of S.A.E. Club Luncheon at Kildeer Thé Sigm-a Alpha Mothers' club o! NorthwestE versity will have its annua m-rencement tea Friday, J fromn 4 to 7 o'clock, in the Meniorial temple in lionor Sigma Alpha Epsilon gradua their parents and also thea Eighty-flve to nmnety womnen quali- lied at Sunset Ridge Country club on Tuesday, the first day of play for the women' this* season, for the .chal- lenger tournament to beheld at the club during June 'and .July. The chairman o f the womnen's golf.,this;, seasoný is Mrs. William Mcee. Second news item o! greatest im- portance at Subset Ridge on Tues- day was the tact that Miss Virginia Presba o! Wilmette made a hole in one. Sunset Ridge Will have its nex t'in- formai dance for senior members on Saturday night, June 17, from 7:30, to 11: 30 o'clock, with, J. Liston Nau o! Winnetka and Mrs. P. N. Sea of Chicago in charge of the arrange- ments. Bluffet suppers are being served nt the cluib every Thursday night tbroughout the summer, and com- .nencing Thursday night, June 15, card parties will follow the supper. Bridge will be played at Sunset IRidge every Saturday afternoon, and Mrs. C. G. Bennett of Evanston is in charge o! these affairs. The com- .mittees in charge of activities have also made arrangements for music every Saturday night throughout the summer nionths. Sponsor Tes and Social 3 Is in Rector' s Garden The rector's garden o! t h ê' Church of the Holy Comforter, in Epsilon Kenilworth, always one of the mnost ern uni- interesting on the north ýshore, 'and al, Coin- particularly îoveîy at this, sea son' lune. 9, will be the -setting 'of an afernoon Levere tea and Sunday evening dessert, so- of the. elal, from 4 to .8 o'clock Sunday, ites and June 25. The Bishop Philander alumna.e Chase guild is sponsoring the event, ýe chap- and. the guilds president, Mrs. C. 'I