of Austin. Rather unusual was the presence o!ftour grandparents, for Mr. and Mrs. C. Freese came from their home 'in Missouri to. see the bridegroom, their-grandson, mnar- et# ried. With the uncle of the bride, the Rev. . Lou is De Celles of, the 'Old French parish in Chicago, officiating, the ceremony. was performed before .ý the fireplace', banked with green f ol- jage and. white peonies. R.ibbons stretched by the -flower girls, Joan crhPot Kanitz and Barbara Jones, xnarked an aisle from. the stairway to the 'Be fore her marriage Saturdaii, altar illuminated by candie light. Mfrs. Jalmes Patton McCormnick The bride was gowned in, cregam was Jane Williams Hume.- She, satin made pr >incess syewt isthe daughter of Prof. and Mra. draed odie ad seevs ad a Robert Ernest Hùme of New very fuît circutar skirt, its Many Yok ndhrhsbn.s h o Iof Mrs. Jantes P. McCormick of folds falling in a long train., Her WnekadteleDrMc tulle veil was held in place by a cor- Wornnekaadtelt r.c onet of rosepoint lace handmnade by her gIrèt grandfrother. and she car~- ried orchids, gardenias. and hules of' the valley.EheblH r n The four attendants, Miss Mar-ý teb lH ,ln jorie Bell Grignon. sister of the bride and maid of honor, and MissRo n u rJ. Virginia Dowdte o Wilmette, MissRo Knur J. Ann Molyneaux o Keniwoh ad To Marry in June Miss Catherine Mercadat of Ciao bridesmaids, were ail dressed alike The wedding o! Miss Ethelbel Har- in net of a naturat shade, embroid-. [tan, daughter rf Mr. a n d Mrs. ered ini the pastel colors of pink and, Edgar S- Harlan of Atlantic, Iowa, Round Solitaires of finest Irom $165 from '25 Irm '$220 Newesgt Di.aMouj ýSet àWeJain* Rins Peacock Blue White Diamnondls EntirelY Free fromn any. Brownish Cast . Mountings of Plàtinum 10 Diamonds 10 Diamondas '25; - $35 $55. Diamonds &Il around from $75 C! VN v il JewelersSince 1837 '4*IJS reaeockState and Monrfoe of pink roses, and pinlc an d bue stock. Mrs. Grignon, mother of the bride, was in chartreuse crepe with a cor- sage of yellow roses and orchids, white Mrs. Epsteinv-»re-dusty pink chiffton with pink. roses1 and orchids. Edward Epstein of Chicago. was his brother's'best man, and the ush- ers . included George Grignon, Jr., of Chicago, cousin of the bride; Clarence Weisman of Chicago, and Arthur Von Plachecki of Oak. Park. home ofthtRe DbrWe's bUotUAr-iL-aw and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Wi<ckman, 2624 Blackhawk road, Wil- mette. Mr. and Mrs. Harlan will be here for the ceremony, which is to be a quiet wedding for the families and a few close friends. Officiating wifl- be the Rev. Douglas H. Corneli of the Glencoe Union chureh. The bride is to be unattended, but ITr. Knauer will have his brother, X SUMMER CLEARANCE CHOICE and AUTHENTIC ANIIITIQU ES 1frein the COLLECTOR'S CORNER Studio in l'h. ChinneYs Winuietka3499 15ç8 Ge..Bay R@ad FtooL