Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 8 Jun 1939, p. 44

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To Plans for the Junior League 7foUlies, new edition tbegvn oem- ber 9, 10,. and 11, in the- Glencoe school' auditorium will _be reported on when the Evanston Junior league, sponsor of the Follies,-ha-s its last meeting of the year Monday, June "12,: at Glen'Viev club. Members of the league wiII enjoy gofand, swimming. at. Glen View in the. morning anid then wiIl have luncheon at 12:30 o',lock. The re- Port on the Follies and the installa- tion of new 'officers will be the major business procedure of the meeting, Jerome' Cargill will be ait the meeting to sketch what the FoUlies, will be, for his company will pro- duce the show for the Evanston Jun- ior league for the third time. Wil- liai-i 1!ôlbroôlc wiîl be dance director for the third time. The 19)39 Foilies board is headed by Mrs. William Stahl, chairman, with Mrs. Drennan Slater and Mrs. Carl B. Davis, co- chaîrmen; Mrs. Noble T. Mac Far- lane of Winnetka, program chair- man, Miss HIelen Chapman of Evans- ton, co-chairman, Mrs. Rudy 1Rùg- gles of Evanston, secretary, and Mrs. Winthrox, Robinson o! Win- Miss Jane Moiat, 1104 Sheri dan road, is a member of the Wil- mette committee of the Ravinia Festival association wvhich is now activély engaged in the. sale of aeason coupon books for the 1939 Ravinia 'pro gram which ppena on June 29. Mrs. Walter Knupfer, chairman of the Wilmette committee of the Ravinia Festival association, enter- tained the members of her commit- tee at a cocktail party at her home, 7 Crescent place, Friday of Iast Serving on Mrs. Knupfer's corn- mittee, this year are Mrs. Edmond Richer, Miss Jane Moisi, Miss Mar- jorie Day, Mrs. Charles Ostron,* Mrs. Maurice RôseýMrs. Charlotte Comstock, and Mrs. B-edry Brennan. The local campaign workers foir the> 1939 Ravinia sea son are now launching a canvass of subscribers and are selling coupon books. These >mayr be purchased.at a considerable saving over the regular admnission Pr ice. Coupon books, Mrs. Knhupfer. announces, will only be:available up to the night of the opening of the concerts on June 29. Thereafter the straight single admission price will Wlmette hopes to makea good showing this year ini its campaign, and ail those who wish coupon books. are asked to communicate with Mrs. Knupfer or some member -of her, committee. Opens Home f0! Tea Annuiu~ Event of, M. E. JuniorCupitd The third annual old-fashioned ice cream social sponsored by the Jun- iorgld of the Wilmette, Parish' Methodist church will take place F riday of this week fromn 7 to 9, on the Iawn of the Charles A. Lundberg home' 1010. Elmnwood av 1enue. Ice cream and cake and- entertainment will be off ered the guests, in the garden which will be gaylyr illumin- a ted with lanterns. The old fashioned '-"social,", is pop- ular with, children as it Pjrovides them with: their before-bedtime des- sert. Mrs. . Chester Wauling, 630 Greenl'eaf avenue,1 is in charge of tickets which members of the guild are selling. The Junior guild will have the last meeting of its year Monday, June '12, at -Mte hIieýie ofMiss Twances Cutler, 1001 Lake avenue, at 8 o'clock, and members of the after- noon division of the guild will be the special guests ofthe evening division.. .The foUloWing off kers for next year will be installed: Mrs. Harold H!. Lundberg, president; Mrs. Ed- win A. Robson, first vice-president; Mrs. James F. Ramsey, second vice-president; Miss Ann Henderson,, recording secretàry; Mrs. James C. J55Umas un~.aiL1 Charles Dodd Thomas S. Mc The ticket Evanstonians, Ward and Mrs. Wilmette, co-chi Mrs. 'John Scott et wignica' u, ±rs of Northbrook, Mirs 'Keown of Wilmette comrnittee, mostl: with Mrs. Williany *Richard Pietsch o airnien working witl tand Mrs. W. Burtor aised a new and im. of securing reserveé were nostesses at a lunchen anc bridge Wednesday o! thig week at the latter's home at 605-Cenral avenue, in honor of Mrs. C. T. McCready of Y Highland Park. The guest o! honor n has been well known on the Nqorth 'f Shore the past two years as soprano' hsoloist at the Giencoe Union church. n Mr. and Mrs. McCready and their Itwo sons, Tommy and Bruce, are d moving to Miami, Fla., to niake e jml rm To De Iustoffed Harold B. Myers, social service chairrman; Mrs. Vrincent Cox, pub- licity chairman, and Miss Margaret Weiland, telephoning chairman. Mrs. W. L. Alstrin is chairman o! the afternoon division, Mrs. Freder- *ick W. Schaeht, secretary-treasurerj, and Mrs. R. E. Allen, sewing. chair- man. r, ivrs. WilliamBiTranch, 11, im2 of future polýcy Stockton was r( John Taylor, Jr., ond year. The Reading circle will meet Mon- day, June 12, at 1, o'clock, at the home of. Mrs. J. B. Olwin,. 820 Lake avenue.. 1- exMrec mittée .-

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