Mrs. John D.ý Flynn (le ft), who, succeeds Mis. IHoward J. H:ckey (rig ht), as president of the St. Franci s Xavier Mothers' club, wilt .be in- xtalled F'rzcay, June 16, at the annuat Spring luncheon and bridge 'at the Shawnee Country club.- This party will be the grand finale of the club year. The social chair- man, Mrs. Louis J. Beauvais, and her committee have made plans for a. delightful luncheon wliile the pro- gram chairnan, 'Mrs.. Rlayr'ônd, Real, has arranged a very pleasant afterrioon. The music chairman, Mrs. Frank R. Steel, will be in charge of the music and will ac- company the singing at the piano. Mrs. Frank X. Thale wvill assist Mrs. Steel with the musical nunibers and will act as mistress of ceremonies. The "',K quartet composed of .Mrs. Pr,qnk K3Cve. director. Mrs. Robert Pupils' Musicale To Be Given Sunday S.> will pupils ir day, Ju Cherry The p In Hangi Hello, IM Happy 9iiiing sent some of her piano afternoofl musicale Sun- il, at her home, 1214 ýet, Winnetka. ram will be as follows: Gardens ........... Davies ................... .................. Rea Suzann Storey ier........... Schumann keel......... Ellmenreich Judy Perry hern Pines ...... Cadian fan .....................rt Francis Xa.vier parisn Mrs. William A. Fuller who took technicolor motion pictures of the last meeting when Mrs. Albert Tal- bot entertaifled the club in her home,. will show the films at this gathering. Pictures of the offilcers, directors and mernbers in the Talbot home and sauntering through the tulip beds will be shown. Mrs. Charles Lee will give a brief vuc~ngBarbara Kieft. To the Rlsing Sun........ Torjusen The Desei'ted Eut ......... Torjussei Kenneth Kinnear Paul M. Hoffman Hon or Graduate Paul M. Hoffmafl, son of Mr. and Mrs. Paul A, Hoffmnan, 1638 Wash- .une 24.1, D)anceý kaudou rse to