Dixie Lewis is her name, and Wilmette Police Officers Roger Sherman and John: Kriesant took her into custody Thursday of last week, thinking she might be the party who purloined quantities of cash. and jeWelry from the borne of Mrs. P. Marchetti, 432 East Rail- road avenue, Wilmette,' where she was (the ",.was" isused advisedly) a roomner. Theý officers' hunch was a good one. Dixie had s ome of the cash and some of the jewelry on b er person., The rest of it reposed in the safe'o! a .Chicago>.i)avm broker. Nô. Rooml for Ladies Then it was that a problem of no, me-ian dimensions loomed before the police. Whatto do with Dixie. The, Wilmette hoosegow, bas, only three. celis, and al were occupied by gen-. tlemeén prisoners.. Obviously they couldn't incarcerate a lady there, especially as there are no, boudoir accommodations.:.So permissionl was. asked, and granted, to remnove her'to the Wmnnetka jail. No sooner had the iron door clànk- ed behind her than Dixie went into action. She found quantities o! pa- per of varjous kinds in ber roolTi, and this she tore into bits and blew through the bars, littering the floor sometbiing terrible, but eliciting not much interest on the part of the po- lice. Then she tbought it would be cute to set fire to the blankets on Who WantS. to be Lz .w ith THWIS oeArmd by gasfllng uer wrisi w t «2 knife. The skin was actua!IY broken in two tiny places, but Dixie had a good laugh. Too Much for Winnetka Finally the Winnetka police called. the Wilmette police and asked them to, please corne and take their pris- oner far, far away. They did, but at the end of a day's investigation it was necessary to send her back. deep shade - buzzing. bees long, Jazy days invitîng you to take it easy! Gonna1 fail for that? Well, tnaybe-if that car in :your. driveway is just a run-of- Iigie job. But suppose it's a IBuick- then what? Then, good Il OU re in for an active instant.quick action that'll bring a grin of deep delight. And this far-ranging beauty is not only the car of the year for performance, but. the value of the year forsmart buyers. It's priced lower than a year ago-lower than you'd thik to sée it--lower even your Y1 mand, immredial Dixie if it bE held for turther don't bet on it. satile lady. amnifatiofl. But e is a very ver- 1601 w iRoad WiIuette, Ilinois. YOU au àA MMTTUM DCAR ROM A BUICKCMAIM