pop**<ki*r l IlS F LOO AT THESE FINE POINTS .................. dni----------------...... j .193 ,b ~b 111 H.ircs.......10 26 2 1 0 1 1 .076 J. Davis.............. ..... 12 30 2 8 6 1 2 .Q66 M. Harms...................9q il 0 3 0 1 1 .000 P. Quick .................... 3 1 0 4 2 1 O .000 D. Hirsch................... 4 1 0 1 0 O 0 .000 J. Miller ..................2 1 O 1 O 0 .0 W00 D. Dewar................. 1 0 > 0<> 0 0 0 .000. BCoale...............O 0O 0O 0O 0O 0, O .000 HwParliament ........ .........O. O O 0 0 O 0 000 B. Younglove.................O:0 0 O_ O. O 0 O0 .000 W. Cloud.................. 0 O.O0O0 O0 O0 .000> Total ... ..... ... .131 311 63 247, 75 17 22 .2Ù2 G P BB SO HP WP W L T Avg. B.Davis ........ 6 43% 16 98 4 3 4 2 0 66 J. Davis....... 6 41 AIl 51 0 4 2 4 0 .333 Total ......... 12 84% 27 119 4 7 6 6 0 .50() Two-base bits:. B. Dewey (2), Miskefl .,-Dewe. E., Davis. Schaer., Bruschini, R. Rounsful (2)., Hînrichs. J. Davis;. three-base bits.* B. Dewey, Borre; home runk: Borre; sacrifices: Borre, B. Davis. Hinrichs, J. Davis, Harmys. G: geames;, AB: ýat bat; M: bits; PO: putouts: A: aýssts;, E: erirors*- SB: st6len. bases; IP: mnning ffitthed; BB * base on balis; SO: strike outs,;:HP:. bit by pitched, bals; WP: wild pitcb: W: won; L: Iost. fly Woody WilÉoni Ba tting and fielding records for ed against him. Closest to him. in, the 1939: New Trier varsity' base- fielding worth was Reggie Rounsful, bal season were this week issued who comrmitted no mistakes while by Coach Gottfried Sandvig. They m'aking Il assists and six putouts. revealed that two boys, Bob Dewey, Bob Davis and Jack Davis did ail and Èarl Borre, set the team bat-- the Suburban léague pthn for the ~tfig pae Bab -hit .391 -byrgett'ng 4.rev4eti;- both h¶rling acnitt nine safeties in 23 tri es. Earl had brand of bail, 'with Bob edging into 1l in 36 trips to the platter fore a .3051 the record books on the better side, mark. He led the team with( stolen winnn our and losing two. Jack bases with Il. There were n other dropped a couple of tough ones, and .300 hitters on the squad. wound up with -a pair of triumphs, Afield, Borre proved his menit,- as against four defeats. That gave also. He handled 19 assists and -five thé team an even break for the sea- putouts without an error being charg- son, six and six.- village purnping station.. They were towed to shore. The Coast Guard officers also rêe- ported that the body of Douglas Huck, of Wilmette, for which -a crew dragged unsuc-cessfully last week, was'recovered from Bluff lake, near Antioch, last Friday'. nîght. Another. crew. left - on Monday morning, for Crystal' lake to, aid a detachment from the' Great. Lakes Naval station at North Chicago in an attempt -to find. the body of Dan Malone of Chicago who was drown- ed on May 19. ART EXHIBIT Miss Edith Marie Humnphries, 1101 Merrili a venue, Winnetka,, is exhibiting *work created during the past year in her art classes in Chi- cago on the occasion of the'annual exhibition at the Chicago Academy of Fine Arts. 18 South Michigani avenue, June 8, 9, 10, and Il. Miss Humphries is completing her flrst ~yeai in Commercial Art. TEFT 0F RADIO John Millen reported to police Monday that a portable radio had been stolen from the Millen Hard- ware company store ai. 1219 Wil- mette, between 5 and 8 -o'clock. p.m. Saturday. ~Base bail Team Is- stronger, longer-weainaq tire, 1,0w yolm at lower couL. DONT WMIT FOR OLID MAN TROUBLE Ge0 "G-3" sofe*y-TODAY IColegrove pùt the 'ship through a grueling rnjarching drill at the com- mnencement of this week's meeting; then work was done on shrouds an~d bowsprit of thie schooner, Dick Jones. having the experience of using the boatswain's chair to the main topi. The addition of a bowsprit to our boat makes it a thoroughbred Schooner. You should hear the~ way some of ýhweger .. ..................... 41 ýheitert. ..................5 arren .................. ....8, irmer..................... 40 est ........ .................. 10 an ................. .........24 iller.......................-32 armin..................7 llman ............4 tut .. .. .. ..31 eveland ...... '; ..36 mley................... 30 iger . . . . . . .. . . . . ..il ark ...... ...... ...... 7 elter ..................... .j Ienberg ... .......... ...... 1 terson..................... 1 -H-- - E 17 1 2 O 3 1 12 -2 3 3 7 .0 9 2 2 2. Ul 1 K4 4 5 6 -14 16 7 :0 12to 2 w SB Avg. 2 7 .414 3 3 .400 .0 3 -.375 3 -10 .300 1 1 .300 4 3 .292 2. (> .281 1 Ù .285, 2 .15 Z26 .1 6 .226 2 8 .222 1 12 .233 2 - 2 - .182 0 0 O .142 0 0 1.000 - - O.00 - - .000 - - .000 2 0 .125 1 0 .000 0 --O .000 27 70 .2'71 have tiure. t 'l ý. ý :ii e-ýv