May Illinois Voter, out this week. For, says Mrs. Bogert, if that were the case the Rainspeck bill (H. R. 960) now being considered in the' Civil Service committee of, the Flouse would be blazoned across the first'page, of every newspaper.. The mrinin the street Would discuss it along with: the weather,. and. the wovmen under the dryers in: the beaut shops would exclaim,,over its, importance.- Nothing less would suffice'.for a bil that would bringI under thermerit system some 200,000, federal jobs. virtually alilnnp c sinse-its importance to demo- bac ofthe bare statistics to the hmninterest background., That is vhtthose Who thrive on. the sol ssedo very successfully on their prand 'what the good goverriment advocates have tended to neglect. ThRe jupan, wEement j The humanity of the procédure is the argument deprecatingly offeredc for the spoils system. A man needs *a job, goes to the proper authority, * and is granted one as a "favor."1 The politician beamfs expansively,' the recipient rates him a "good fel- [low" and is grateful thereafter for having. acquired the job as a -favor." Does anyone know the other side woric whis b5 anectjrumitI. jvn is not he menit help as well as the other man? Should flot he have a champion also? There are wide differences be- tween having a job as a right that has been earned and as a "favor." The first is a matter of simple arith- metic. The man or woman who has qualif ied for the job and holds it as a right is not subjected to frequent deductions from bis salary, for party siînnnrt. Ris salary is his own. vances in the extension of civil service have been made. "It is not to be éxpected that so far-reaching a bill would not incur opposition. Opposition is coming in the form .o! objections to what is dubbed -the bill's 'blanketingR-in pro- vision., "Suchopposition is unwarranted, in the league's bellef..'Blanketing- in' descrîbes.,the procedure whereby. incumbents are. given: classified' stnig uder civil serviewt&u qaifyýing in, any exçamination. The other eX tremC-the ideal, way, theo- retically-is that incumfbents qualifyr in ýcompetiive examrination, but this method. represents no practical ad- vantage as it is, traditionally defeat- ed. by, theie ajority party.. Tbe mhethod in thé Ramspeck bill a p- pears to be the wisest course" .Mrs. Bogert concludes with a re- quest that local league presidents see that their representatives in Con- gress are informed of their views on the bill. teepne n ~r juil Reginald T. Ryan, 106 Giratd ave- nue, Wilmette, last' week received his. second- lieutenant's comhmission in the armiy reserve quarter. master corps. Mr., Ryan, léft for a- two- week training camp ini Michigan last Tuesday morning-, 'le is the son o! General James A. Ryan, retired, and is at present attending Northwesterri universîty, where>he is a senior. Dr. -and Mrs.. D. W..RaPP: and sn Warren, 406 Park avenue, spent last .week-end at West Liberty, MI., Vis- iting relatives. Sunday t.hey were guests at a birthday dinner pà.rty in honor of Mrs. Rapp's father who 'Was 86 y3rs tod B $150 IN CASH PRmZmS FIRST PRIZE Chilhfren Prom, B#byhoiod to 10 Yeara AUl that is equfred to, enter is a photo taken hy the Dornit. Studio. Phone for an appoint. mient oday. 1~ *WW the League, said in a letter DUSTER BROWN Shoes for the, Especially Priced! ,I A thriliing occasion for those boys anid-girls of yours, and it certainly deserves careful preparation. Shoes sucIl as Lord's is offering are essenitial. Bring them here today for graduation shoe îhey'il really like!. ,,;5and up, ý v = Tk==d TL=:i TL,== r"-