Cushion or pindo, Full French headed ri ivory, champagne. 21/A yards. $1.85, es.Wie ilnches x Floral Bosquet Draperies si@.85 pair Lightheated cretonne draperies \With colorful. clusters of sumnier flowers attractively, spaced on a bleningbackground. P i n c h pieated tops,, tiebacks. 2 , yrd long. Large selection of colors. CURTAINS, PULLOWSs PRINTS Ruffied curtaîns. Pin or cushion dot, plain marquisette. White, ivory. 40 by 21 1 Pair.................1 Tailored marquisette curtains. tvory, champagne, ecru. 4321/. Pair ............... ................ $1 Cottage sets, many colors. Fuit size ............... $1 Bathroomn curtains, .many colors. 35x60). Pair....... $1 India prints, 72x108 . . . . . . .1 India prints, 90XI08 ...... . . ..............5$1.35 S-PE j' r AU1 iteme on thts page. Fif îh Floor WEEK OLD ýENGLISH SPECIALS O1/ Gai. Né-Rub Wax and 3-in-one Mop...............51.49 C] i GaLl. laning Fluid.............$1 1] Qt. Rug Cleaner and Brush......5$1.29 1l GaI. Upholstery Cleaner..... ...... $1 ESponge..................19r. Gal * Ga.Samolinie..... ..........5$1.69 1] Gal. Paint Cleaner ............5$1.49 FiJ 1h Floor HO-USEHOLD LINENS EBath towels of heavy. nubby material. Peach, green, gold, bine and orchid in lovely pastel colors ............... 29C C]Matching wash cloths .............. 9c Cannon Cavalier Sheets and Cases. A light- jweight percale sheet extremeiy serviceabie tand easy 'to launder. iSheet, 72x108, plain hemn ........5$1.40 1 Sheet, 72x!08., hemistitched........ $1 70 FI Rayon sharkskin, ideai, for summer suits and sportswear. Solid colors of bine, dusty rose, chartreuse, white. 39 inches wide. Yard, .. . .... .. . ..58C nl Rayon seersueker, washable, ýrequires no. ironing,. ?asteis-old, blie; rose, peaich, green. White. 35 inches wide. Yard, ...29c El Spun rayon prints that are washable and crease-resisting. 39 inches wide. Yard, .29Ç En Fast' color percales in a large sielection of stripes, and printed patterns. 36 inchies' wide. Yard,....................15 El Rayon sheers. Large floral pitsmall Prints, polka dots, on:white' and ,dark grounds. 39 inches wide. Yard.... 68c Third Floor SOAPS nl Marshall Field Flakes ... .12 boxes $1.95 J-] MarshallField Bats, large siz . 10 for 79c nl Marshall Field Soap Flakes, 25 Ilb. carton .................. $2..45 nl Apieriçan Family Flakes, 2fo79 large size............... 2fo79 n] American Family Flakes, medium size .............. 4for 74c ElAmerican Family Soap ....... 21 for $1 C]Brite-ize ................. 12for 95c QS.. S. Cleaner ............S.5for 95c r" Y 1--- If £-- 00 Q Stationery, note letter and foided shéets, 3 boxes .........................s$1 n Playing Cards, set of 2decks .......5SOC El Sterling Silver Steak Set......... $2.75 QGlass Jarn Jar, Sterling Top and Spoon ....................5.0 Firat Floor TOILETRIES El field's$Supeme Toilet Soap . 12 for 75< QFields Suprem e Bath Soap....-for 75e ElFiel1d's Olive Oil Castile Soap .12 for 95e E] Fieid's Soft orHardwater Soap 12 fo)r SOC nl Cashmere Bouquet Soap...... 12 for 974 El Lx TiletSoa...........1 o 1 ElLifebuoy Toilet Soap.......10 for Sie r]. Auditorium Bath Soap....12 for 79< nl Fieid's Special, Cleansing Cream, i lb.* 85e nl Wrisley's Water Softener, 5 IL bag. .. 49c El St. Denis Cologne, gardenia, carnation, FI St. Denis Dusting Powder...... 3 for $1 Frances De nney Preparations specially priced below regular. El Lipstick . . . .. . . .. . . .. . O nl Face Powder .................. $120 El Herbai Oit Blend ...............51.60 El] Miid 5km Tonic ................51.12 El Bubbling Over.or .5......... 1.20 12$iiece Solad Se.,$2.50 Sparkling bandînade tear.drop glassware. An exceptionallv Iow price for a set of 12 pieces - 8' * plates for salad or dessert, one * 12-incli plate, one i 1-inch salad or fruit bowl and a fork and Charming Plant Stand. 95C A wee littié garden of plants metal holder twined around three fluted pots - white. red and green. A delightfuP. addition to tour sQunroo-m' or porch. Reg. ularly ivou'd pay much more for this tbright prit hol-)der. White stand. Plants not included., 28-Pieée Rainb@w Luncheon Set. 53.45. inciuding matching 5-. and lO-oz. tumblers. SoftA pas. tel Lu Rav dinnerware in Wind- .or blue, sharon pink, sgurf green, Persian cream. S'-et includes 4. ofÀ each-uncheon. plates, butter plates. cups. saucers. lug soups. Additional tumnblers, each. 10c. Full Size Floor Lamps~, $9.75 E Heres a fine opportunity to 4C save! Fuil-size I. E. S. specifica. E tion 6-wav florIanip or match- in, moi-able armn bridge larnp beautifulliv fin jshed in' bronze with handmade shade. Silk handsewn shades in ail siz- 4 s.8$2.95. .iE bneet, 9U211JO, plain ueiii............r Sheet, 90x108, hemstitched.......5$2.00 Case, 45x40½/., plain hem .......... 40C Case, 45x40½ý, hemstitched........ 55c Case, 42x401/2,, plain hein......... 35c Case, 42x40½,ý, hemstitched........ 50c Fietdcrest Wearweil Bia nket..Made of 50%ô wool, 50% selected cotdon, sp un iÎn our own mitîs. Closely woven ground, lofty nap. Ideal for summer homes. Size 72x84.5.50 White chenille spread in an attractive wave iz oz. winxuuw vuiu1xr .........pi z Oxydol ....*............ 5 for 95c Chipso ........ ,........ .... 5for 95C Lux Flakes ................. 5for 95C Rinso ............5 for 95C Automatic Fla»kes .. .. ....65c Cameo Cleanser............ .12 for $1 Kitchen Ktenzer ............. 12 for 56c Cameo Cleanser Container and 7 reËlls 95C Fifth FIeor Li gIarmtms . . .. . . . .. . . eO», C]Imperial Blanket Storage Chest .... $51.39 C]Milo Cheesecloth, 5 yards to boit .3 for $1 CMilo Cleaner..........3 for $1 ElConway Toilet Tissue, 2000 sheet roils .............12 for $1 C]Americe and Conway Hairnets, brown ....................l12for Soc ElWhite and gray ............ 12 for 65e nE Jubilee Shieids ........ pairs, $1 j]Kleinert SanitaryP*ron.......... 85C MA SHALL FI ELDs EVAN ST ON AC f ~ I A