eé at Plan to attend cburch every Sundây! Si. Augustine's (Episcopal) Rev., llubert Carton, Rector> Rev. Chander> Sterling, Curate' Sunday, June il St. Barnab as' Day 8 an..........Holy .Communion 9:4b a.......Cburch School l..........Hioly Communion and Sermoný This next Sunday wil be the last time that the re will be church school until Septemrber, wben the public schools re- open. Swigart PiipilUs Will e.Heard In ivo Recitais Estelle Swigart, cellist, and George Swigart, violinist, of Wilmette, will present groups of their pupils in re- cital Tuesday and Wednesday eve- nings, June' 13 and 14, at 8 o'clock in the auditorium of! the Howard school, 1701 Spencer avenue, Wil- mette., These two recitals are the Dr. James G. Carr, chief of the hoapital' s medical department and professor 'ofmedicine at the North- western' university medical school, wil - address the class during the 'Friday evening program, following which sehool pins will be.presented to the graduating, nursçs, byEliza- beth W. Odeil, director of the school. The Rev. John Heuss, rectôr of!:St. Matthews church, Evanston, will read the invocation., Bachelors of- Science, Five members of. the graduating- class have completed the five-year combined course which is given'in cooperation 'with Northwestern, uni- versity, and will receive, the Bach- elor of Science degree as well as the riurse's diploma at Saturday's com- mencement exercises. Included. ini this group are Claire Kampp and !felen 'Louise tdfquIt o f Ciao Margaret Alice Franz of Forest Park, Margaret Taylor of Maywoôd, and Elaine Ritz of Racine, Wis. ý One third of this year's graduating class came to the Evanston school from outside the state of Illinois, the largest number of 'out-of-state stu- dents ever to graduate in one class. Another unusual feature of this year's class is, that flot .a single CAAUOItS2 lis. National Cooatsit &m nt uCY taedlS NATIONAL UNSWE!TINED EVAP. MILK 4t 141-oz Oc Pet or Carnation rAM 14'2-oZ.ýns CO"à*-UQChae PraM"12 'ilvýu . 711.a LHA I2414- j 5-lb bc,;1 COME AGAIN 241-1b. bug 5-1b. 1 bau1,c 9 American Home qui pint jar I5ç 'l Bickham, Bill Fanckboner, Fred George M.I * 'J irien Is Fischer, Hobart Gary, Winifred Hoff-' mnan, Shirley' Johnson, Carol Kahn, N. U. Honor Graduate Tom Lucas, John Mils, Jeanne Mor-! Geo rge M. O'Brien, son of eau,' Mario 'Pagliarulo, Peggy Pier-1adMs ate .Ore son Pgg 'os, Ndie arer Central avenue, Wilmette, Ted Warner, and Joseph Wood, of gaut ih'itnto tI Carter Bacon, Clare. Cassaday, Jules Gerding, David Kendall, Rich- ard Pettibone, Dunlap Smith, Mary' Frances Smith, and Anna Schauffler western tu commencerr stadium 'thi! îor in the and was rE EMr 1,319 1Will rorth- .- irc uniVversiTy s eignty-.iirsb nelt> exercises 'at Dyche I is Saturday. He is a sen- Collegp. <of LihpralArts, i YvrapeiDj a* * National Broad or 'Fine iCellophane 2£ C OFFEE I-l1b. bag 13C 25s.25 Ibs. 39C