Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 8 Jun 1939, p. 16

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y-"&me M. jeffords. IYLLfl5r. c1ally mýte ta be presrt. b Mtrt D n Balude on the oe. .t:kDC ep ýW Fou"w,1b teten - i rics ±theChôOus cho!,.the Yotmg AZ ci eUe and ot oIeea-nd ern- SERVICES. the tnmite's rm£c for riczt Srday jPelopie'~s exty and the "Yoýin_ g .Mr, plosed yo0ng P-eo-Pie are v d9:15 a.r.-First ser-vice. mornige Jume 11, ait the1]:45 O'êloc n.d tr,. h1b~ ave 'alreadybe_nhed d' :ý.Y a.rn. - Sunday sehool and Bible 'wor*±xp service- The spectal music foear 1.are Lnvited ta the Suriday schodol m-e B-,azrd (Ar~e~'I netM. classes, thussevice, as arrangéd by XLss ptcnic ueh1h w~il oceur sarurday. Jle dyeergtthec hu: 10:5.5 arn. - Sunday sehooýl class for Maric e t yiLlb. as' ol's 17, urn the Forest P-eserve. children of three to live yeams Otgan Prelid: T- Wresa --rrgBt: i -Second serice. "Iat Soerer', ... ... Stebh.n,3s Rî_rgarjzâ c c he U3rhbaS ~~~:s:stss:r t8ocok *'In.ticoesé t- .D'urharn and -crrm_,ttees is m prog-ess I .wI t j;~eBckc ~sa e The-order of service at Il &clock. will *lLazo" (Coct.erto Grosado> . Handel ;-oped tiat ail W11 be - ad-y to piaz -4~e y .r.Iueth ft;wig Tneoit, dur-.:g ..ýthe su.irtier fùr àn*'aggre5.r---ePr,,elude-m"Anigels' Saong' .... A.shford '*Cast Thy Burden7'...... fndlsoin Ug*OÔus a.nd ssca rcjra.m ri Sep-re -- rc -e~e ~ nri-O rd, IHav Anth: - rCh è 'dsenItri t : Hv ber. Many new;cnrres are srgeu e simn -êr. GwU e c rece'u 'rtisted inThy >Mercy" Schmauck ~ ak,117S~.1. hllycctngrega-min.s nawadays. O7her -v-.-tsA Ofetr oo ens ec.ne .p~ly the -pCi,*I. d u"zng ab-, -nhm"liny..OlnoGbbons lie Piieli Ven d -ence cýt the mi-ee cn h.s vacation and -Everlasting" . rlnoG Vend~Wae: The sumnmer 5seý1ces 'b ég;n lTa s- inwW -Aa Flatonmnin eoso car rgan .PostIi;de. 4 :t-. acefuXy ;:anned ine :u s7 TcSrmn-TeLw -Fiat L=-.........Dubois, :ce cf ra:ýse xth bî;mne mr. es-~, fLve.....Glain :31 The Church schccx,' meet.s Sundayý mowgat 9:30 o'clcl. The H:gh Schoaol Lague '~iT rreet a: the church Sunday evenaig., but w:1l prio- ceed ta tue beach for a supper mneetin.g. Theta Ups4ilom Rho has elected the f c- lo*wng new officers tor the,-omrng year: presideilt, Albert Aclennann,, Jr.,; trs: ve-presLdEnt. Phil HoeLz:. seeond ,,výce- J*Mt&dn't, Virgia: Brooks: thi=d u-ce- presidents. Maran Goode and WateT trea-surer. George Wu-iUamn. T'n c-Seior choLr ineets for rehearsai. to<ught ýThursday> at P, c'clc 'n ai Li Junior roim. The cbhoir seasor. closes the last Sunday z. Jure tÈh,s :er The - juoy' . - w riej tfor' re;- : hearsal Saturday moriig at 9:ý30 c,'cZck. ii the Junior rrc.rn. urider the d:reczi. P of MmSS Iare Ertel. Th:-s corw-11 sing a!t th Children*s Day servi-ce Jme ap~ 18, and' il is therefojre imotn hat patents cooperate in see.g th-az ttei chil<frei be prese-t at therearis1. on June 10 and June 1.7. -e a ýcKn-ed picrLLc Ilunchecýn and - SPer a happy day at, Mrs. Tom KeTwirvs s5 5pa- cious bomne. .2007 Wiimrette 'avenuie. Mf- ter-devotioeis by Mvrs. R. J. Bu.rrow-ýs anxd a solo by Mrss Marta Neshit. MUrs Hen- cersoûn's sister from Lo-s Angles!Iý portant business wrsU be transacted whle iooking backrwa.rd and piannnLg ahead.' Cali MmS1B, C. Dav-.sGor. W:L'netfe 1975. for ,tran.5portatirin. havoe an Ice sages Ir. .lune. _ er :s ' e bt ' DrAls~. -Ln îuIy t:; Dr.Jc-.C H:r.deéy. ~~.:trc :s ~ea:: B~~bec~ r: c he: i4uay -c~f Burmâ ana nd r. Bible Church THURSDAY. JUNE 8 FRIDAY. JtNE 9 - ~ Fe:k~sr: :ra~e e~ng. M. - Teacher 'ra:r.rz c.as.s SUNDAT, JUNE il A. M. - me B.te ~cr.co. a: P, . An-- .,~T~ ZK . 5 P. M.- Ctsr:C.sdr . BarEDs:aESoeAYe. U 1 WEDNESDAY, JUNE 1 7 43 P. Mi-l, we e'.c f.;as pr ayer and Ei:bIe Suv be=. g .1 ...l1-8. he1S -Poe-rude-Grand Choeur ...Guimant c:ai f cm cf szý= er Surday lsdchqî w1-" -e egmn. hs wQ x-Lcri-ene e,;e-,y Snday lý c'.Y-k. There ~'be t'wo div ME ETILGS - te J~:c. crnpsedof il Sunday school staff.ý Fridav. 8 p.rn e -r osd- acc*-a 1d the Seni-ýor: Walther league. Sunday. 530'q Ser-ý: o,=p---edcf a*::of -'gh scthooî Pr,.; supper70. ~~~~~on a'ar ser tr hl e eahecircle. Monday,. 8 rn. S-:day. Sho:ars cfc -Er cu&s Vot:nz memnbers. Tuesday, 8 ptn. ~~~~~~~~~- nceSfys:- sae:: nssso< Everiing circle. 1Tuesdav. -8 p.n. with C ~:~~e~'th~. Ms.John Dethloff. 992 'Elm s*reet. Chfdrer's circle. next Thursdav. 8, LIrn.. .,,ith 'Mrs. Agatha Meyer. 733 Sun- etroa'd. - Rccertn A. Edgar. ssz z:.:rKeniliorth Union SUNDAY SERNICES Dr. Hertert L. W:l',ett. r.is*er Beg'-.crsa.r.~~::mare. . '~:4 a D-,. IVlett's subiect fr Snd J ....~ ~be '-e final service of the church fcr the -Mneen........îi r. sao.The serviei ti cok Th'e rmusic for the church serviýce uwili ~ occr Suna:; rcrznga ilOrgýar.Prelue - - ee.lrm r4 ~SD'ern Prelude........Fauikesz -c~~- Thef.erl5fi., ~ -B1ss the Lord. 'po~fîao ~;ancy ~rscn. . ffer0oM-Ofe.........ear -i=z7ý;ne-ý:are 5chen-_e'.Le-% *' rial G~.arden will oe 'e:d Sunclay Orian R-c- r-l afternoon at 4 o'clock. There b-i e an, Fr C ~ w:: .. Le~ amproPrýate nrogramn at the Garde- -. and. - c Lrd hiesfrom the Holy Comfýorter.çhurch ... ,Prdther e M orilSinzing Toiver. * G a.' E'ys hois0O Mondas- evening. June 12. at 8 Sheaon.sc~:st, o':oc thr~vil' te a meetine of the boGard of trustees of the church at the See-~-. . .ahr .e Tenmev home of the. president. A. R. Peterson. 0- ap i- 227 Ralei',,h road. Keril-worth. ....... ... Rozers-7 CALENDAR FOR THE WEEK 220- G~-: chu-.rehea-sa. Evangelical Lutheran 1CI10 Central avenue. Wilnette The Rev. Dav;d R. Kabele. pastor the, Woman's .w- Father>s Care." wpa* updw * lb. gen"dction. WA. KendriciL moom, meeting at 2 I% Wetminster FVelowship will hold aima r£eljUW5K It E hand -- zev.. A 8 ual nOur Witfl nents will tôlloiw the. program. tVoyage Tea honoting Miss Edlth . mlssionary, who sails for India iJUIY. willI be held at Urdtyr vieJu

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