. Bob Brn - tuns L-ondon -so- ciety upside down in his white tie, top-hat andi tailla in "I'm From Missouri," openng to- morrow at the Norshore theater. On the same bill is the techni- color spectacle, "Dodge City" with Errol Flynn. When the. star visited the Saw- t e 11 é Veterans' Hospita&I two weeks ago and learned t ha t a softball 1lea g ue was, being organ- ized,ý, she volun- teered to act'as sponsor for. one of the teams. That led to elec- tricians.g r ip s Myrna Loy and carpenters at Metro-Goldwyn- Mayer getting together to form a team, the only, requirement being that each team member shail have worked on a Loy picture at some time or other. READY FOR WORK William Powell, back from a month at Lake Arrowhead, is confer- ring with Hunt Stromberg, the pro- ducer, on "Return of the Thin Man" scheduled for production when Myr- na Loy completes her role in "The Eains Came." ,k Sandrich d irecting. j"AU Inr, v' 4zWA Iýj% '!or Infortionl-3 K Theuters S.I.w-PI*ue Wl... 1034ý Fu'Idey-4@r lettrOW..Il YEARS BIGGES$T DOUBLE PROGRAM!.I * FRED, ASTAIRE m Merle oberoft - Lautrence olivier GINGER ROGERSI David Niven, "STORY 0F VERNON I WUTHERING and IIRENE CASTILEI HEIGHTS~ Extra-Se4!t ,ry tie (Open 1: 30 p.W.) 66BUCK ROGERS"* Serial NORSHORE Howard fHeur Clark Friay 845P.M. JIlERMUGI VaretySwig-how CORONUT Friday-Baturday W. C. Fields -McCarthy "6YOU CAN'T CHEAT AN HoNEsT MAN' Plus "6ONIE-TIIIRD 0F, A NATION" Also Siny SymnIty -Wrong-WayllCorrigan IRISHMAN" Plus 11INSI DE STORY*" Chie: full-blcg PLENTY WAIWROBE Warren William, portrayirig the role of Philo Vance. in Paramount'.3 "The Gracie Allen Murder Case," may not be the best dressed actor in Hollywood, but he probably has more clothes than any male star. He Ioasts of 60 suits, 30 overcoats and more than 50 pairs of shoes. -- - *.* - UD~ £~MW UTTV Y W~W - -w-.,. - -,r- - - - -- - -- "IIDODOE CfT"V In Techulcoloi Errol 'Flynn ONvia De Havillal Sat. Matlpee Ouly - d'LONE RANGER RIDES AGAINI" SPECIAl, BAT. DOORS OPEN 13:45 - FMST FEATURD 1:0 I M Wallace Eeery S Tous EroWa *- 0ý,,4 1 lval. .ý ý JUN-B ý Z', ---m ý ý &rujm - 1 à