tqu1pment for the child- to do a great many things that be likes to do and to learn about additional things that he will like to do, along Camp Consultant MaT jorie McLean Leari, is the authorizeci Camp Consultant of this news magazine. Her serv- ices are' available, by appoint- tftzs news magazine for an, ap- pointment.' AU conférences are strictly conficlential. with corigenial conipanions, to share the fun of domng. Tin the good camp, the ends or skills are. so uneniphasized and un- stressed and the recreation, fun and adventure interests s0 carefulIly planned, that there is littie or noQ Sunday for a mon ths trip through Montana and otiter sec- tions of the North West. Chosen as N. U. Alumni Worker 4 Lois Wolfe. 718 qherdnn razi-u] paei rspniADAiÂ1Ly tw ee tmat tme class of '39 becomes an integral part of the association, which now ini- cludes most of. the university's 43,- 000 alumni. Aiinouncement of the appointments was miade at a recent senior convo- cation on the campus at which Drt. Walter Diii Scott, university presi- dent, who is retiring this year, ex- pressed his. happiness at -graduat- ing" , with the c1ass of '39. S H ORE EDNA M'TRUE, Manager For a successful and enoable hoiday. trp,> Sconsuit with, The North. Shore Travel Service when malcng*your plans. Take adçantage of the* convenience of centralized information about al types of vacations at home and abroàd. TalIc fo those who know because they have been there. -IMWe are officiai représenfatives for all fines'and i accommodations. Itineraries and reser- rai vatons: rrangeOend fo r yo thu carg56. Boy Scouts to Jany~MA -KA-JA-WAN Iltia North Shore Area Coumeil CauiP' 69 He had a perfect record for the ~ES four-year' terni. Daniel Logan of Vý IES Wlmette also was among the grad- M rs. Harry C. Camnpbell, 1129 Uates to receive commissions. Sheridan road, returned to her home la m B 1 ý 0 v m AWAM MORI