Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 1 Jun 1939, p. 34

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To Instali New Officers, Today' The. annual. June meeting of the Woman's guild of the Wilmette Par- ish Methodist .church is being held on Thursday, June- 1, in the Wom-. en's roomo! the church.. Dàetailedt reports o! the two-year period of projects, dinner meetings, bazaars, run'tnage sales, division meetings, benevolent institutions and activities of various kindg will comprise a most interesting, pro-, gram.. Mrs. Erskine',M., Jeffords will in-, stali thé new> officers, at which time. Mrs. Arthur L.-Fuller, president, wil.l yleld the gavel th her successor, Mrs. Harry C. Kinne. The importance anid responsibility o! the office of president o! the guild ca.nnot be. a lhasizr*4 tuorat and the entire church pays tribute to the women who are willing to devote themselves to this cause. With deep appreciation for the splendid service o! their retiring president, Mrs. Fuller, the women turn with affection and loyalty to their incomîng president, who has served on the board for the past eight years, her most recent office. being that of Parsonage chafrmian, Mathew Francis. Photo E. L. Ray Photo Mrs. Haroldl O. Hayes, rvght, retiring chu frman of the Second divi- sion of the Woman's guiid of the Wilmette Parish Methodiat church, reeently entertained her groiup ut iuncheon, concluding the two-ijear period devoted to. project work and fellowsh:p. Mrs. Max C. Greigg, chairmun of the Fil th division of the guild. for the pat ttvo years, tous hostessaut. an afterno on meeting and tea when the Division met recently for the at Urne for unrnual re ports and social gatherlng. To Benefit Work 0f Catholic Croup Mrs. George Steele, chairman of the Catholic action, departmnent of The Woman's Catholie Club of Wil-. mette announces that the annual spring luncheon and bridge party. wîll be held Monday, Jupe 5, àt 1 o' dock, at the home of Mrs. Frank Gibbons, 156 Fuller lIane, Winnetka. The proceeds of this party will be used to further the developmnent of a circulating, libra ry of Catholie books. Plans are just, about per- fected ýfor the project and at the party the. complete arrangements, will be.reveaied. Mrs. John J. Tracey will ass ist as co-cha-lrmn, Mrs. A. W. With- row and Mrs. ïE;rnst Mundee are cehaiermeu nnharge of ~preies. Mrs. John Flynn, assisted by Mrs. Roy Jones and Mrs. Edward ljoffman, are in charge of the refreshments. The hostess requests that reserva- tions be made as soon as possible as only eighty guests van be ac- commodated. She also wishes to cail attention to the fact that park- ing is permitted only on one side of Fuller lane. Mrs. Herman E. Lerseh. chairman Officers-Urs. 'Jamles G. Badger, firat vice-president; Mrs. C. Rollin Smith, second vice-president; Mrs. Carl Zipprich, recording secretary; Mrs. Leslie Matson, corresponding secretary; Mrs. Staver Moulding, treasurer; Mrs. H*arold Lundberg, J.unioir Guild president. Quilmette court 8 4 8 Catholic Daughters o! America, will hold its monthly meeting Monday evening, June 5, at 8 o'clock, atOdd Fellows hall on Wilniette avenue. The in- stallation of officers will be a major ifterest of the evening. Mrs. Laùra Meflaniels will be in- ducted to begin her fifth termn as grand regent: Mrs. Theresa Doetsch Mrs. Gordon B. Shattuck o! Spring- field, Mass., who bas been spending a week with her parents,' Mr. and Mrs. John, B. Boddie o! Wlmette, left Wednesday to drive east. She is accompanied by her sister-in-law,- Mrs. John B. Boddie, III, also o! Wilmette, who will visit her. Mre. Shattuck and Mrs. Boddie will see the Fair in New York, and visit in areL manyiJ loveJy garLU U to eiiau for a song. S h o e s, bats, men's clothes, and, other articles. She ad- vises an early selection as~ she ex- pects t he goods to move rapidly. There a r e many bargains. for the thrifty shopper. Legion Auxiliary to te&. Mrs. Littel i dent ot Kenilworth. :a n for thére will be a1 resi- consiat of a rmui Johann Strauss.. oni o! officers ýam which will biography by, Host.ss fo Club Mrs. Roger Willianis, 410 Forest avenue, was hostess to the members o! her bridge club àt luncheon at ber homne on Friday. The new Ftfth division of the Woman' s guild of the Wilmette Par- ish Methodist church will meet at the h ome of Mrs. E. A. Wegner, 421 Elmwood avenue, at 2 o'clock, June 5. Ail members are urged to, attend this Oirst.meeting of the, group. j Un

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