organization ofthie crews and the appointmnent of niew crew leaders. Another big event was the par- ticipation of. the entire, ship in the Memorial, Day services i Wilmnette. This is a. blgý annua eévent for this ahip,.and we worked hard i orderto make.ý a creditable showinig. These events,- along with the summer cruises, are just a feW of the things, to which we look forwar.d-thi3 -sea son. Long CTuiise mi sumnmer, from June 17 to July. 1. five scouts Of! the. ship will make* a loéng cruise from Detroit, Mlch., to Isle Royale. .and back aboard' the schooner Oliver Hi. Perry. This cruise.Is9 being made to 11iAut the veniitremnnfoa ré> i. i Ndel ORANGE or GRAPEFR UIT> SEGM ENTS Né. 2 s... 2. for 35c Foradelil. Fegdeli Puteserves JII* 31rr5 : èrap-o Raipberry 2 VR 5 Fe2 25e and. The foflowing boys will malce the crwise: Ben Richards, Bud Stread, George Randall, Everett Eckenbeck, Dave Wilder, and Trom Lucas. > I Graduati.u Kenilworth Girl Scouts grand!ather's farrri . When we igol there we took ourb~lanket rolls .jusl beyond the playhouse.* That nighl we hardly slept at alI, and i the morning we were awfully tired. We went through the coýv stables andi also the horse stables. We fed th e horses, and some of us got rides on a horàe calleci Nanette. We had a lovely time.-Gloria Gridley, Scribe. ilA second entry -submitted by .(118 Creeley wonl recogniion am~ong the r 1 wheh ecive hooralemention. $10.95 CIJINESE TJOLE GAME Devis St. Eoss -i onal tenter imiw M& b-W