seventy-ve, bIeypng teaipoonfuis ia pon o teWarts Coffee NewLw Price w 1-1b. eau Meney Can 1 Rtll quart Ro1*1. Now OnIy U Safeguard the health of your family! 0OXOL kilis ail germs . . use it in% dish water.. OXOL steril- izes - -.deodorizes in one application. OXOL has over"9" uses' in every homne.ý Order Oxol, today. gra rth e re 4, white Àan bine checkered. boule at grorers. "PV. Recemtmend Oxol" * Pont Seh.lle Discuit Co.a P.S.SANDWICH The most popular of our £c Engllsh style biscuits ....... Pound3 J WrotYAo CLAPPIS BABY FOOD CALIFORNIA * * **Fancy Hand Pocked, Red Ripe, No. 2 Cons3 .* *. of WC.i. ot ay Soups and4 F.odi, ec l 3 for 27c for $1 TASTY4KRISP POP CORN' e.. * e liUINZ. DOSTON BAKIED SEAN S *Popped to a Quee's Tast., 4rge con * .I Tomuto Sauce, 1.8-ou. 55C ~"Ifor 2 3c NIËw IRA- Hove Vo. Ever For Desserts or Soads,, No. 21/2 Cris p, Tender., Always Fasik. Large Cou thie 1-oz. picg. jLOSE FAT!. I IE WAY THE MO VIE SSTARS DO j SALAD VEGETABLES * * Mk.s Fine. Salads. No. 2 Cois 2 for. 47c OLP MONK STUFFED QUEIN OLIVES' N.. 10 Glass Jor e e. .3 5c c E0% PROM ALASKAS ICY WATERS RED ALASKA SALMON A Sec Food Deliccy ., Y C.uI for 49c VaIY POPULARý KLEENEX FACIAL TISSUE *E.aom Su -300 Shets 2 fo 55C. MACAROON DAIN"Y COOIKIES * WE RECOMMEND 1Wilson mnc. 1141-44m46' 'Phono, Wil:mette. 420 - ~- w. Avenue Phone--Wilmette 2 2' Of6fý e e Cala. i tremper: I. ros, Be - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1. ýl-, rl l 771