AODoeau is big and shwq H. tlait à $ . i., nsae iuImg Evoet te bat.1y on bis postr/or. Sanie dei fooda foture fla#or and others feature food value. You get both in Wilsons iDEAI. tlie 7-Cours. Me in a bundance. ltes a ucientific comlnto of leveci Sood élements vital t h ei bdun of evuey type of modem dot. En- 4araod by derner everywhere. Ask for FR= sift, catalog at your favorite store On Friday morninu, Juoe à, ut 10 o'cloek, the reaidenta. of Wimette and neighboring, tourna, are invite$ to the openiug of the second Jetvel Food Store at 415 i4nden avenue. T'he firt 450 C"ut01neTs wiD recewve a gift of a bag of qroceriea containng 4asurpise selecflbon, of natlomaliy lnown food products. _ti addition to this, opénngpoffer ahoppers twil $n4 xtardnayvalues in fruits., egeta2$ts meieç., anstaple nd Y&Èèy âooDts, tfi ex-ilain. throughout Chicago and the. suburb as the stores of friendly people,"I lends itself so nicely ON m. 1 Miss Bett to are unable to visit 1 atreet.,Wl STAFF îlis, 401 Tenth id Robert D. at avenue, Wil- the students ai ity sélected as e Daily North- paper, to t ake St of the ap- 11L AV£.AND 415L EVANSTON r-. Mil