Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 1 Jun 1939, p. 12

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Sunday. Jupp 4 WinJ be oberved in ibis church as Annlversery Day. This day Winl launch the, beginning of a yeaùr of Aisniversary Observances wblch Wlll culminate os une S, 19»,,the tenth nnlversary td the dedication of ibis church.,T!hé year >1940 will alo marki the one hundredth annlversary of Meth- odlsn luRock River Qonference. and. one year of 'United. Methodlmri. Every màember and friendljeivited t*0-b. là attendance et the 11 o'clock worsbip Service next Suudsy mornin g. New mrn- bers will be recelved. The m inster wl» prahon 'A Church is Don." B.ne c t e eclel musie will be that used i the service ofi dedicetion. nine years ago>.. and, Wl» be as foliows: Organ (10:45): s"Ave Maria"..........Schubert .0The »élis of St. Anne- de Beaupre" .................. .Russeil, Marie. Briel Athem: -Build Thee More SttelY Mansions" .................. Andrews ThIe Choir Awthem< 'Preise th e ord WM Offertory Solo: *"How Lovely Are Thy Dwelllugs" ............... Liddie Florence Ferrar fOrgan Postlude: "Toccata" .... Wdor Next Sunday efternoon, froin 4 teo6 o'clock, in the Social Hal, ibere will be an Aiiniversary Membership Tee for ail niembers and frlends. There wiUl be. aneai music and fellowsbip. The new Cliurch school......... ......... 9:30 Beginners and Primerl -es ... . 10:50 liorning worship... ............. il Mr. , lndley han chosen as b is topic for -the mornzng sermon '*lfe's Cou- etants."g The music wil be as fofl1ows: Prelude - Fantaoy on Two Rymn Tunes ..*ýe....... ........M»clnley. "esWhere'er Thy People Meet" WenISurvey the Wondrous Cross"' Soo-I WiilExtol Thee"!...... Costa Offertoire Antbem - «'0 for the wingsof a dove" ......... Mendelssohn Postlude '- Chorale -ani Variation ........... CALENDAR 0F, TUE WEEK Thursday, June 1- 3:30 - Girls' choir rehearsel 4- BOYS' choir rehearsal 7:1là - Senior- choir réhearsal Friday, lune 2 - 1 -Progressive luncheon 8 - Ordination Service cf Robert Ed- gar Monday, June 5 - 7 30- ord ofTrustées 7:3D - Board of Deacons Tuesday, lune 60- 2 - Cozy Corner circle 6 - Annmal Life Members dinner. Hitndale. Priday, lune O - Abracadabra pienlc Wedmêu4laye #une 7 8 P.M. Choir rehearsal. J. Morris Gus-. tafsou, director. .1 7:45 P.M. - Midweek ser ,vice of praise. prayqr. and Bible studW. First Presbyterian Ninili street'et Greenleef avenue lames 'T.. Veneklasen. minister Communion wUil h observed et the morning worïship 'service et 1il-o'clock Sundey morning. The minister wil lirlng you* the communion meditetion on Oie themeo "The Cup cf Blessing.9 Wein- vite you to worshlp wlth, us. Newv members wil h.e reoelved Into theý church. next Sunday mornlng. The Ses- sion wlU meet et 0:30 o'clock and 10:30 o'clock te reçeive thern. The music et the mornng evice will be, as foilows: 0rgâc)krel presine.n the Pine '1rees» CIe y-,; oesin ,,45&yful~jý "il-ý We More ,Thee"; .enthem, "Coxues et Times ea U1iness.'* Woodward;, solo. "¶liou Wilt Keep Hlm in Perfect Peace.'> Speaks, Edward Otis. soloist; organ postludé " .Festal I*erch,- Tellmaii. Miss Erma Rounds ls organ- ist and director. BUNDAT SERVICES Churc b SOol ...... ..0:45a.m. Communilon service . il...... 1a.Dm. he ýmusic for the service:next.Sunday morrxieg Is as follows: Prelude-- 'OLarghetto" from Sonate Mo. 4 .. ..... Chojpin Anthem - O Lovlng Savior, Siain for us........ ..Auber-Diekinson The Choir solo .................S ec d .rnest Schaper Postlude.............. Ioratio Perlie r Victoria MeÀod - Mlinlstry of Munie Tii. Womiin's soclety wlll meet o Tbursday afternoon of ibis week et ý1010' Centiral avenue, ett 2 oýcock. A cordial invitation là xene to ail the women, to mneet: with us. Church school convenes -on Sundey mornlng t 9:45 o.'clock. Enroliment meay bei mede eat ànY.tirne' There are classes for ail ages. Corne and learn with us in our Church school. The Sacraent of the Lord's Su w iU b e d mn.t r d t t e s 'r WorsblP nexct Sunday imornlngmétil O'clock. Corne! The Church council will mneet Tuesday, eveln,sJuiie 6, et 8 o'clock et 4714l Oknstreet, Niles Center.. IJesusa nd Jesus Everytbinj" - Sudv ciolwl'b hl una mm 'clock Sunday atternoon, June 11, I-ne snonthiy Communion service Win ng, lune 4. In the church gymnaslum it was announeedibswe I 1011W unniediately atter the nwrnin1g et 10 o'elocl". 'm-ivh. ill '-tlv'. finuI _______________ message. meeting of the Sunday school. for the 5*P.M. - BiblePlwgp group. season. The parents are invlted to thua Mrs. James A. Burrili, 812 Green- à P.M. - Chrstin Crusaders, igh service. Wood avenue, is visiting lier nother scholam cligeeg g@u . The final service of thé church , and- lister ln Grand Rapids, Midi., 7:30 1.M. - Orgen. Medittiong. lHerriet bh. held Sunday morneg, lune 11, et l' ',While r url s nbsana Linehi ogamt.o'cloclc.fIshing trip.

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