begin at 8 o'clock. The music wilU be undea, the direc- tidn of Miss Ernily Roberts, organlst- director o!f church music. Assisting the choir in the anthem are Lester Wheler,.tenor, and -Mrs.. Ethel Wish- overe, contralto. Mr.: Edgar 15 to leave soon to tiake up his duties as pastor of the don- cident at Skolde 'boulevard and Glen-- view 'oad at 7:25 p. m. last Satur- diay. Four ambulan)ces were called to transport the inj.ured to Evasnton, hospital,. where somne are still pa- tients. Rolland-,Hunter, .18,. Of 1419 Hud- son avenue, CÉm-aS,- drivmng forth on Skokle boulevard, stopped for the red. light a t Glenview road. With the green.,llght he attempted to make a left turn into the latter thor- oughfare, when. his carwa struck by t*,at of Joe Schmnitz,' 31,' o! 6711 N. Hfermitage: 'avenue, Chicago, go-, Ing.south on Skokie boulevard. .One car came to a gtop.70 .feet, and the.other 80 feet, from the point" of impact. ]Riding with Hunter1 were Mrs. 'A. L. .Brown, 50, Miss Nancy Brown, 18, and Mrs. Norman Ellis, 40. With Schmitz was -his wMf.. Car-Washer Arrested For Lareceny of Auto C. A. Woodruff. 180 Prairie ave-' nue, reported to the police depart- ment Monday that he had employed a young colored boy, who 'was seek- ing work,' to wash his automobile. DOWT WA Afother- qWOMNi OK~SI Mvackenzie, cnairman of. the advisory board' of the Chicago Congregational association. The caUl to worshlp and the invocation and the Lord's prayer1 will be recited by Dr. Hindley. The. Rev. Walker M. Alderton, professor at the seminary is to read the scrip- ' ture passage. The sermon, "The Superlative' Equipmerit," is to be preached .by returning the car wearrested.:1 is, being held on a charge of larce of an automobile. h1elen Weldon Exhi bits Painting at Gallery Miss Helen Weldon, 1340 'Gree wood avenue, Wilmette, a grad ate oI the Chii'mu,, Art Miss Martha O'C~onnor, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John O'Connor, 149, Kenilworth avenue, ICenilworth, re- turned home Tuesday from Trinity coilege in Washington, D. C., where she .had just !inlshçd her jun~ior year. DAUGU TE2 BolN ' Maviry Ejien Schwartz, a daughter, was, born May 17,' to Dr. and Mrs. Maurice Schwartz of Chicago at St. Anne's hospital. Mrs. Schwartz is the former Marion Husting o! Wil- mette."The baby, is theirflrst child., BREV ....... or nara<i MODITE .. .for medius DUCHIESS.for tits CLASSIC . . . .or plump Wflm.ft.~ ~ li